Professionals receive the new base text of PL 5829 with optimism

Union of the sector results in positive changes in the base text of the GD legal framework in the country
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Profissionais recebem com otimismo o novo texto-base do PL 5829

The union of the entire solar sector made possible another important step towards the generation of clean and sustainable energy in Brazil. This is the assessment of professionals and businesspeople who work in the Brazilian photovoltaic market.

This important step was to publication of a new base text of PL 5829 (Bill 5829/19), made earlier this week by deputy Lafayette de Andrada, rapporteur of the proposal.

The new text can be voted on in the Chamber of Deputies this Thursday (11). The changes, which aim to create the legal framework for DG (distributed generation) in the country, occur after several mobilizations by sector associations, which include publication of a manifesto and the dissemination of a letter in favor of GD.

For Leandro Martins, president of Ecori Energia Solar, the union of the various market players further strengthens the segment. “We are showing that our sector is united and that the benefits of solar energy are within the reach of all Brazilians, generating jobs, clean energy and helping our planet. We hope that our political class meets the expectations of the Brazilian population and the entire world”, highlighted the executive.

“The unification of the solar sector is essential so that we can move towards the long-awaited legal framework for the sector, bringing security to customers, businesspeople and investors. The text has useful points for the segment, but there is still room for important improvements through amendments, such as a trigger for penetration by distributors and a review of the percentage of charges on credits”, highlighted Arthur Santini, director of Ecori.

For businessman Aldo Teixeira, president of Aldo Solar, the new text presented is favorable to the expansion of DG in the country. “Aldo Solar believes that the union of the entire market has made possible another important step towards the generation of solar energy in Brazil. We are 100% in favor of PL 5829 and its amendments, presented by Congressman Lafayette. This corroborates our vision of supporting the diversification of our country's electrical matrix to offer clean and cheaper energy to all Brazilians, ensuring a more sustainable future for future generations”, stated the executive.

The text was also well received by Bruno Reis, Commercial Director at Genyx. “I welcome the new text, especially with respect to the legal stability that PL 5829 will bring to the future of the solar market, which is one of the great solutions for diversifying our energy matrix in a clean and sustainable way. I believe that with a defined long-term horizon, more investors will be attracted to the power that our sector represents”, he commented.

For Alexandre Borin, Photovoltaic Energy Manager at Fronius do Brasil, the photovoltaic market welcomed the new PL text. “For multinational industries in Brazil, such as Fronius, this project brings legal guarantees. This is very important because the investments that are made in Brazil are long-term, so for this to happen legal certainty is necessary as companies need to see that there is a definitive regulatory framework, something that they can consider when carrying out their simulations, that is, their energy growth scenarios so that they can check how much they will invest in Brazil”, highlighted Borin.

Felipe Cerqueira Pimenta da Cunha, superintendent of Amara-e, stated that the company supports any and all initiatives that make the market more efficient and structured. “PL 5829 brings legal certainty to all consumers and investors in the solar market, in addition to bringing a plausible, clear and transparent transition to the taxation of distributed generation in Brazil. The concept of distributed generation is increasingly permeated in this new “sharing” economy, we cannot let it regress.”

“There were long technical debates between professionals, associations and the government to arrive at the text of PL 5829, which we believe to be an excellent path to maintaining the sustainable growth of Brazilian solar energy”, added Cunha.

“Integrators are still absorbing the changes to the progressive charging of wire B. This PL will give us more security regarding distributed generation. It may even reduce the payback a little, but it will not harm the sector”, highlighted Ildo Bet, co-founder of PH Eletrônica.

According to engineer Roberto Caurim, CEO of Bluesun, the next step is to continue with the mobilization in favor of the DG sector. “In view of the vote on PL 5829, a fair project that meets an important demand from society with a market in which almost 300 thousand people work in direct as well as indirect jobs, it is extremely important that those who work or want to work in the sector enter Contact your deputy, as it is a right that we all have, and ask for a vote in favor of the approval of this law, which will make all the difference for the sector”.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

2 Responses

  1. Those who defend this legal framework must be very large companies, as it appears that it will make small businesses unviable. So, if you want to save money, it will have to be through these guys with high investments. Okay on their part, but making the little ones unviable is naughty.

  2. Let's wait and work for us consumers who have ES at home, not to be robbed by the Chinese, (RGE), who since they bought from AES Sul, have doubled the increase, and ANEL, which must have authorized the increase, did they give in for free? !!!??? I'm just questioning whether it was ANEEL that released the prices or who?

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