Solar energy project in schools wins infrastructure and logistics award

Ceará's initiative was the best evaluated in the public enterprise category, winning 595 votes
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Projeto de energia solar nas escolas vence premiação nacional de Infraestrutura e Logística
Photo: Disclosure/Seinfra

One solar energy project of Seinfra (Infrastructure Secretariat) of the Government of Ceará won the Panel Trophy (Pact for National Infrastructure and Logistics Efficiency) of 2023 by implementation of photovoltaic systems in 32 public schools of State.

The intention of award aims to value professionals, companies and government bodies that develop energy and transport infrastructure projects. The trophy is promoted by Besc (Besc Institute of Humanities and Economics).

A Ceará initiative was the most voted in the “Public Enterprise” category, with 595 votes obtained during an open public consultation held between June 15th and 30th.

The trophy delivery ceremony will be held on November 21st during the opening of the 2023 Panel meeting, in Brasília (DF).

Schools with solar energy

In September 2020, the Government of Ceará, through Seinfra, opened a tender for the installation of photovoltaic modules in 32 public schools in the State.

The objective was to encourage renewable sources, improving the efficiency of energy use and modernizing teaching facilities managed by the Public Power.

Currently, 29 of the 32 selected schools are already generating solar energy. The other three institutions are in the final phase of implementing the systems.

According to the State, the estimated savings on electricity bills when all 32 schools have their systems operational is approximately R$ 1 million per year.

In total, the resources invested were R$ 8.8 million and came from the FIEE (Energy Efficiency and Distributed Generation Incentive Fund of Ceará), administered by Seinfra.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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