PL foresees inclusion of solar systems in the list of SUS equipment

The objective is to reduce operational costs and promote environmental sustainability; Chamber of Deputies analyzes the proposal
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PL prevê inclusão de sistemas solares na relação de equipamentos do SUS
SUS will complete 32 years in Brazil in September 2024. Photo: Ministry of Health/Reproduction

One bill that is being processed in Chamber of Deputies provides for the inclusion of solar energy systems at Renem (National List of Permanent Equipment and Materials) for the SUS (Health Unic System). 

Renem serves as a guide for purchases made by public health units. The proposal includes photovoltaic panels, solar inverters, mounting, cables and other accessories necessary for the system to function, in order to provide electrical energy to health units linked to the SUS.

The project is authored by deputy Clodoaldo Magalhães (PV-PE). For him, the adoption of solar energy in units of the single health system is a significant step towards reduced dependence on fossil sources. 

Furthermore, he highlights that the energy self-sufficiency ensures that, even in the face of crises or natural disasters, health services can “continue operating, safeguarding the health and safety of the population,” he said. 

Magalhães also remembers that the Electricity is one of the biggest operating costs of health units. 

“The implementation of photovoltaic systems would allow significant savings, freeing up resources to purchase equipment, improve infrastructure and hire more professionals”, assesses the deputy.

Clodoaldo Magalhães, the author of the proposal. Source: Vinicius Loures/Chamber of Deputies

The parliamentarian adds that the measure could also stimulate the solar energy market, encouraging innovation and technological development, and generating jobs. 

“This proposal aims to guarantee access to this sustainable technology and promote the modernization of SUS health units, contributing to improving the quality of services provided to the Brazilian population”, he commented. 

At the moment, the project is conclusive in the Chamber of Deputies and will be analyzed by the committees of health; Finance and Taxation; and Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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