PV projects filed after Friday (7) will have new rules from 2029

The subject and expected changes will be discussed during the Canal Solar webinar next Tuesday (11)
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Projetos FV protocolados após sexta (7) terão novas regras a partir de 2029
Photo: Unsplash

You Brazilians who intend install solar energy systems from to 500 kWp in the segment of G.D. (distributed generation) have until 11:59 pm this Friday (7) to take advantage of the current transition rule. 

As provided for by Law 14,300/2022, consumers who file the connection request for technology installation by that date they will have 90% from Wire B from the TUSD (Tariff for Using the Distribution System) not being compensated until 2031.

Already who to ask the access opinion after that you will see a new rule - that still will be defined by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) – being applied from 2029, with progressive increases of this charge, as explained by Bernardo Marangon, director of Exact Energy. 

“What changes is the following: in 2028, the consumer will no longer compensate 90% from Fio B in the case of plants smaller than 500 kWp and these 90% will remain until 2031. Now, if the consumer files after July 7th, the 90% of Fio B will remain until 2028 and, from 2029, it will be a new rule – which will still be defined by ANEEL”, he commented. 

Regarding this ANEEL definition, Thiago Bao Ribeiro, lawyer specializing in GD and CEO of Bao Ribeiro Advogados, highlights that the Agency had already presented to the market what the new compensation rules would be for those who file connection requests from Friday onwards.

“July 7th is the deadline for ANEEL to finalize what is conventionally known in the sector as meeting of accounts, the process of calculating the costs and benefits of GD. This process should be completed this Friday, but, unfortunately, there is no prospect of this happening anytime soon,” he said. 

Marangon also clarifies that plants larger than 500 kWp are no longer compensating 100% from Wire B, 40% from Wire A and the TFSE and R&D charges and this remains until 2031. For those who file after July 7th, the compensation rule remains until 2028 (See image below). 

Transition period for solar DG plants. Photo: Bernardo Marangon/Disclosure

To clarify further doubts on the topic, the Solar Channel will hold next Tuesday (11) the webinar “What will the compensation rules be like from July?”, with the participation of Bernardo Marangon. click on the link, wconfirm your presence and have free access to material exclusive to subscribers. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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