Innovative projects seek to boost green hydrogen in Brazil

Among the proposals selected by CTG Brasil and SENAI is a commercial platform to map and commercialize H2V
28-02-22-canal-solar-Projetos inovadores buscam impulsionar hidrogênio verde no Brasil
Green hydrogen is produced by the electrolysis of water, using renewables. Photo: reproduction

A CTG Brazil and the SENAI (National Industrial Learning Service) selected three projects from the 31 that registered in the Public Call – Green Hydrogen Strategic Mission, whose objective is to promote innovative solutions capable of generating business.

After technical analysis, the proposals were chosen: Green Industrial District; Production and Storage of Solar Energy in H2 and Mobility Applications; and Multiport DC-DC Converter and Intelligent IoT Energy Management System.

The public call received entries from 13 states: Paraná, Santa Catarina, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Amapá, Mato Grosso do Sul, Bahia, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Espírito Santo and São Paulo.

There were R$ 183.7 million in proposals, a value 10 times greater than that predicted in the notice (R$ 18 million), and the topics focused mainly on the production of the so-called “fuel of the future”.

Now, the three selected projects enter the identification phase, selection of potential international partners for the development of ideas and adjustments for the final contracting phase. The execution period is up to 48 months from the signing of the contract.

“H2V (green hydrogen) is the future and Brazil is already seen as an important player in this market. The partnership with CTG Brasil is fundamental for the development of new technologies in renewable energy, promoting connections with researchers from Europe and China, accelerating technological routes in the country”, highlighted Rafael Lucchesi, national director of SENAI.

According to Silvio Scucuglia, director of Strategy and Business Performance at CTG Brasil, H2V, aligned with the growth strategy in renewable sources, will support the generation of sustainable businesses for segments such as mobility, industry and agriculture.

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1st project

The Green Industrial District envisages the development of a commercial platform to map and commercialize green hydrogen. The transaction and production is certified through a pilot project, which guarantees the production of this technology from renewable sources through a tracking registration seal and guarantee of origin.

According to the companies, the Port of Suape, in Pernambuco, has favorable logistical and industrial conditions to test such a program. In addition to having an H2V production plant (under construction), it has a series of hydrogen-consuming industries that feature the decarbonization of activities in their strategic direction. The proposal provides for the generation of income through the application of fees per transaction.

2nd project

Solar Energy Production and Storage in H2 and Mobility Applications will integrate a microgrid and a photovoltaic plant with the ability to produce green hydrogen using two types of electrolyzers: polymeric membrane and traditional alkaline.

Such energy generated will be stored gravitationally, in lithium-ion batteries and as H2V in pressurized tanks and can be used directly or applied as a generation option using fuel cells using hydrogen.

The proposal provides for an analysis between storage systems; a study to establish technical bases for the implementation of hydrogen supply corridors along Brazilian highways; and an evaluation of technical electrolyzer solutions (alkaline and polymeric membrane) to define the best adaptation to the power variability of renewable sources.

3rd project

The Multiport DC-DC Converter and Intelligent IoT Energy Management System aim to develop a product to remove electricity conversion steps, reduce the cost of producing green hydrogen and increase efficiency and system design.

The project foresees an IoT (Internet of Things) control and communication module integrated with artificial intelligence algorithms and an energy management system to optimize the use of electricity generating sources.

About the Public Call

The Public Call “Green Hydrogen Strategic Mission” was launched in October 2021, during the inauguration of the CTG Brasil Innovation Habitat at the SENAI-RN Innovation and Technology Hub, in Natal. The company was the first in the energy sector to install an innovation office in the space.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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