Proposal for the carbon market should be defined within weeks

Geraldo Alckmin made the statement during an event promoted by the CNI last Tuesday (20)
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According to CNI, this market has the potential to generate 128 billion in revenue

The acting president and minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin, said that the government can define “in weeks” the proposal for the regulated market in Brazil, which may come as a new bill or as a contribution to other proposals already being processed in the National Congress.

“I think it’s a matter of weeks for the government to decide. Because you have good projects in Congress and the government also developed, as a result of interministerial work, a regulated carbon market project. It’s a political assessment now about the best way to do it and the timing,” he said.

With the participation of Alckmin, the CNI (National Confederation of Industry) presented to the government on Tuesday (20) its proposal for implementing a regulated carbon emissions trading system in Brazil. According to the CNI, this market has the potential to generate 128 billion in revenue.

The acting president said that Brazil could have gained 5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP – sum of goods and services produced in the country) with a regulated carbon market, which, according to him, would be equivalent to a gain of US$ 120 billion until 2030.

Alckmin participated in the opening of the event “Dialogue: The Regulated Carbon Market and Industrial Competitiveness”, in which the industry released a proposal to regulate the pricing of greenhouse gas emissions, with the presence of government representatives and diplomats from countries in the European Union.

According to the MDIC (Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services), the government and CNI defend, in regulating the sector, the model of cap-and-trade. Through this format, the competent authority defines a maximum limit of greenhouse gas emissions for those responsible for regulated facilities.

Operators who emit less than the quota will be able to sell the amount saved on the regulated market. Operators who exceed the stipulated quota will be able to compensate by purchasing the difference on the regulated market – or partially, on the voluntary market.

Carbon pricing systems are increasingly becoming necessary around the world, particularly due to the large volume of revenue generated, around US$ 95 billion in 2022, according to World Bank estimates. To cite some examples, the United States, European Union, Mexico, Japan and South Korea have already implemented the carbon market.

Therefore, for the CNI, the country needs to position itself proactively on this agenda. Regularizing the carbon market is one of the industry's proposals for a low carbon agenda and is part of the “Decarbonization” mission, one of the four pillars of industrial policy proposed by the CNI in the Industry Recovery Plan and already included among the missions that will be debated by the CNDI (National Council for Industrial Policy), coordinated by the MDIC.

Click here and check out the industry's proposal for a regulated carbon market.

With information from Agência Brasil

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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