Nearly 50% of solar and wind PPAs occurred in the Americas in 2023

Brazilian company was one of the companies with the largest volume of contracts signed in the world, highlights BloombergNEF
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Quase metade dos PPAs de energia solar e eólica ocorreram nas Américas em 2023
Global market for solar and wind energy PPAs has grown by 33% since 2015. Photo: Lightsource BP/Reproduction

You global solar and wind power purchase agreements presented a growth of 12% in 2023, with emphasis on the agreements signed in the Americas region, reveal data from BloombergNEF, released this Tuesday (13).

According to the study, wabout 45% (20.9 GW) of PPAs corporate (Power Purchase Agreement) announced last year occurred in the Americas, followed by Europe, with 33% (15.4 GW). 

In 2023, little more than 46 GW in solar and wind projects were hired by large corporations from all over the world. In the previous year, this number was 41 GW. 

A improvement in the world economy following the Covid-19 crisis, together with the companies' imminent clean energy goals, they were main drivers that sustained this growth. 

According to BloombergNEF, since 2008, companies have announced PPA agreements for more than 198 GW of solar and wind energy – greater than the power generation capacity of countries such as France, the United Kingdom and South Korea. 

Since 2015, the corporate market for purchasing these two clean energy sources has grown by 33% and with increasingly greater investments, with 2023 being the seventh year that the global PPA market has reached a new record. 

“It has never been easier to buy clean energy as a company. For the first time, a variety of contracting structures are now widely available around the world to help companies decarbonize their energy consumption,” said Kyle Harrison, head of sustainability research at BloombergNEF and lead author of the report.

Companies with highest volumes of PPAs

For the fourth consecutive year, the Amazon was the largest corporate buyer of clean energy in the world among a group of more than 200 companies monitored by BloombergNEF, followed by Meta, LyondellBasell and Google.

In 2023, Amazon announced nearly 8.8 GW of PPAs in 16 countries. The company's clean energy portfolio totals 33.6 GW, a size larger than the power generation fleets in markets such as Belgium and Chile. 

Source: BloombergNEF

In relation to the Brazilian market, the highlight is the placement of Albras – an aluminum producer that was the seventh company with the highest volume of PPAs signed in the world in 2023, with approximately 767 MW acquired.

“With the rise of artificial intelligence, the electrification of transport and the increased need for production, we expect energy demand from the private sector to increase in the coming years. Clean energy, especially through PPAs, will likely be the first and best option for many companies,” Harrison said.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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