Power outage affects water supply in cities in Greater SP

Sabesp reported that it needed to carry out operational maneuvers to minimize the damage caused to the population
Quedas de energia afetam abastecimento de água em cidades da Grande SP
Sabesp regretted the inconvenience caused to residents. Photo: Disclosure

Residents of five cities in Greater São Paulo had the interrupted water supply this Sunday (19) due to power outages caused by heavy rains in the Enel concession area. 

The shortage reached the municipalities of Embu das Artes, Itapecerica da Serra, Taboão da Serra, Rio Grande da Serra and Ribeirão Pires and It was only resolved on Monday morning (20).

In these locations, the Sabesp (Basic Sanitation Company of the State of São Paulo) had to carry out operational maneuvers It is direct tanker trucks to the most affected points with the aim of minimizing impacts on the population. 

The company reported that – due to the lack of electricity resulting from the rains – the pumping system that supplies the municipalities ended up being interrupted, causing water shortages.

A company also he requested so that the residents who already had a normal supply made conscious use of water, in order to avoid waste for other consumers who were still waiting for the water to return to their properties. 

In a note, the Sabesp yet regretted the inconvenience caused and informed that it is available to customers by calling 0800-0550195, through the Virtual Agency, through the website www.sabesp.com.br, via the Sabesp Mobile app and WhatsApp (11) 3388 8000. 

Recent incident

At last Monday (13), two consecutive power outages impaired the functioning of water pumping stations and caused shortages in Embu das Artes and Itapecerica da Serra.

In both locations, Sabesp needed to carry out operational maneuvers to minimize impacts on water supply for the population. A company, at the opportunity, also apologized for what happened. 


At the beginning of this month, more than 2 million properties served by Enel, in the Greater São Paulo region, were left without electricity due to heavy rains that hit the region and thousands of consumers were left without electricity for more than a week. 

know more

Because of this, Enel suffered from a series of complaints from bodies, such as the Public Ministry.

This Friday (17), the Government of São Paulo imposed, via Procon, a fine of R$ 12.7 million against the distributor for the lack of energy and for failing to comply with the legal duty to provide essential services.

The infraction has the maximum amount provided for in the Consumer Protection Code and is based on complaints made since November 3, when the storm occurred. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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