Adjustment of up to 64% in tariff flags makes solar more competitive

Consumers with systems save up to 4 times more on their electricity bills, even in red flag situations
Canal Solar Reajuste de até 64% nas bandeiras tarifárias deixa energia solar mais competitiva
Own energy production brings more freedom to the consumer

Consumers across Brazil will pay more on their electricity bills whenever there is an increase in the cost of producing electricity in the country. Last month, the adjustment of up to 64% of tariff flags approved by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

With this, the Solar energy presents itself as a viable alternative to reduce electricity expenses, with savings of up to 75%. If in the previous tariff the photovoltaic system was already very economically viable, now, with these high adjustments, it becomes more competitive. Own energy production brings more freedom to the consumer, because he consumes what he generates and deducts the surplus in the compensation system.

In these cases, the impact is much smaller because the additional cost of the flag is only included in the monthly net result of the electricity bill. According to data from L8 Energy, savings for those with photovoltaic systems can reach 75%.

A family in Curitiba, for example, where the energy tariff is R$ 0.83 for each kWh, with monthly consumption of 600 kWh, would spend R$ 498.00 per month on the green flag. If this residence produced 450 kWh monthly, through a solar system, the bill would be R$ 124.50. Check out the simulation carried out by the company's engineering department:

Comparison of energy bills with and without a red flag in homes with and without solar generation

comparison of energy bills with and without a red flag in homes with and without solar generation
Month Consumption [kWh] Generation [kWh] Green Flag Red Flag Tier 2
Without Solar With Solar Without Solar With Solar
January 600 450 R$ 498.00 R$ 124.50 R$ 586.47 R$ 146.62
February 600 450 R$ 498.00 R$ 124.50 R$ 586.47 R$ 146.62
March 600 450 R$ 498.00 R$ 124.50 R$ 586.47 R$ 146.62
April 600 450 R$ 498.00 R$ 124.50 R$ 586.47 R$ 146.62
May 600 450 R$ 498.00 R$ 124.50 R$ 586.47 R$ 146.62
June 600 450 R$ 498.00 R$ 124.50 R$ 586.47 R$ 146.62
July 600 450 R$ 498.00 R$ 124.50 R$ 586.47 R$ 146.62
August 600 450 R$ 498.00 R$ 124.50 R$ 586.47 R$ 146.62
September 600 450 R$ 498.00 R$ 124.50 R$ 586.47 R$ 146.62
October 600 450 R$ 498.00 R$ 124.50 R$ 586.47 R$ 146.62
November 600 450 R$ 498.00 R$ 124.50 R$ 586.47 R$ 146.62
December 600 450 R$ 498.00 R$ 124.50 R$ 586.47 R$ 146.62
Total 7200 5400 R$ 5,976.00 R$ 1,494.00 R$ 7,037.63 R$ 1,759.41

Source: L8 Energy, based on Curitiba's residential energy tariff

The savings generated may vary according to the generation capacity of each photovoltaic system and the tariffs adopted by each operator. In addition to the financial advantage, the Solar energy brings other benefits to the consumer.

AND environmentally sustainable, as it does not produce any type of waste during generation and uses renewable resources. Furthermore, we have sunlight all year round, which provides a production stability, not depending on rain like the hydroelectric system, for example.

Picture of Guilherme Nagamine
Guilherme Nagamine
Graduated in Electrical Industrial Engineering from UTFPR, Postgraduate in Business Management from Fundação Dom Cabral. More than 20 years of experience in the Commercial and Business Development areas. Experience in commercial service with Electricity Utilities.

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