Pharmacy chain estimates savings of R$ 4.4 million with solar energy

The implementation of three photovoltaic plants will bring savings of approximately R$ 4.4 million annually in electricity costs for a chain of pharmacies in São Paulo.

The three plants will serve 220 stores located in the concession areas of CPFL (Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz) and Elektro. Each unit will have an estimated savings of R$ 20 thousand annually. 

According to Solarian Energy, the company responsible for the project, the plants should be completed at the beginning of 2021, being responsible for increasing energy generation by more than 21,454 MWh annually. Furthermore, the emission of 1,580 tons of CO₂ per year must be avoided.  

Also according to Solarian, around 25,300 410 W Risen modules and 50 160 kW Huawei inverters will be used, in addition to mobile structures from STI Norland. 

“There will be three plants, in the cities of Andradina, Guarantã and Pirangi, totaling 10.4 MW of total power”, explains Edgard Franco, CEO of Solarian.

“We are very pleased to be able to celebrate this achievement further. The contracting of these three works represents another important step for the company in pursuit of its objective of improving the country's electrical infrastructure, and reducing the impact of energy generation on the environment”, added Franco.  

According to the company, the projects will require investments of around R$ 38 million, which will be made in partnership with a foreign fund. This is expected to increase Solarian's power generation capacity by 65%.


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Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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