SP supermarket chain is powered by solar energy

The photovoltaic systems installed in the state have high-efficiency modules from Sunova

A VotoSol, a solar energy trading and installation company, implemented two photovoltaic plants in supermarkets in the Correto chain this semester. The first plant, with 107.8 kW, is located in the city of Sorocaba (SP). The second, with 107.25 kW, is located in Salto de Pirapora (SP).

According to Heliabe Ramissés, Commercial Manager at VotoSol, high-efficiency HI-MILO modules from Sunova were used in its 550W-72MDH monocrystalline model.

For him, the search for reliable materials is the main guarantee of quality in his products, which is why a partnership was formed with Sunova. “We have a profile for defining brands, based, in fact, on quality. Then we consider the factors of efficiency and effectiveness. And Sunova panels have served us in the best way”, he highlighted.

Also according to Ramissés, VotoSol, which focuses on the microgeneration market, has fostered many businesses and partnerships in one year in the sector. Currently, the company has a portfolio with more than 2.5 MWp and 5 thousand installed panels, covering residential, rural, commercial and industrial systems in the states of São Paulo and Paraná.

More projects

Two other commercial projects carried out by VotoSol, using Sunova modules, were one with 262.9 kW in Itu (SP) and another with 182.6 kW in Iaras (SP). Both are the largest systems built and planned by the company.

Usina fotovoltaica de 262.9 kW em Itu (SP). Foto: VotoSol/Divulgação
262.9 kW photovoltaic plant in Itu (SP). Photo: VotoSol/Disclosure
Usina fotovoltaica de 182.6 kW em Iaras (SP). Foto: VotoSol/Divulgação
182.6 kW photovoltaic plant in Iaras (SP). Photo: VotoSol/Disclosure

About Sunova

Founded in 2016, Sunova Solar is a multinational company providing integrated systems solutions with a focus on R&D (Research and Development) and manufacturing of globally distributed solar products and the development of photovoltaic plants.

It currently operates three factories in China and Vietnam, with an integrated capacity of 3 GW of modules. At the same time, the company has established its own branches and offices in Germany, Brazil, Poland, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Brazil, Mexico, Vietnam and other countries abroad.

Furthermore, they highlighted that they have more than 100 industry-leading partners in more than 20 countries and regions around the world. As of June 2022, Sunova has shipped nearly 2.5 GW of cumulative modules.

Another point emphasized by the company is that they are also investing in R&D of photovoltaic storage systems, and the products will be launched soon. In Brazil, it has already supplied more than 300 MW of photovoltaic panels, whether with its own brand or OEM and ODM with important local manufacturers and distributors. Furthermore, it has a sales and service office in Brazil and local stock.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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