RenovaPR has already executed 709 projects since the beginning of operations

The objective of the program is to offer conditions for farmers and companies to produce their own and renewable energy
RenovaPR já executou 709 projetos desde o início das operações

The RenovaPR Program (Paraná Energia Rural Renovável) is an initiative in Paraná to support DG (distributed generation) of solar energy and encourage the adoption of photovoltaic systems by rural producers in the state.

Since the beginning of the operation, 709 projects have already been executed, totaling investments worth around R$ 128.6 million, according to data from IDR – PR (Institute for Rural Development of Paraná). 

Of this total, 264 projects are already in banks amounting to R$ 47 million, the rest are under preparation. The program was established by Law 20,435 of December 17, 2020 which was regulated by decrees 7872 of June 9, 2021.

According to Herlon Goelver de Almeida, coordinator of RenovaPR, more than 5 thousand farmers and cooperatives have already joined the program. In addition, 336 solar energy companies are already registered.

“The most important issue today is the economic sustainability of Paraná’s animal protein production systems, which are the most electro-intensive and, therefore, are most affected by the rise in energy prices,” stated Almeida.

Read too: PR program encourages the use of renewable energy for rural producers

He also highlights that Renova PR aims to offer conditions for farmers and companies to promote self-production of their own, renewable energy, with the possibility of reducing production costs and expanding their activities.

“With RenovaPR we are maintaining producers in the productive activities of chicken, freshwater fish farming, pig farming and milk. Likewise, cooperatives and agribusinesses are able to reduce their costs with our RenovaPR program”, he added.

Image credit: José Fernando Ogura/AEN

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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