Reservoirs are above 90% in the South and North

Rains continue to increase the storage level of hydroelectric plants in the country
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Belo Monte hydroelectric plant, in Pará. Photo: Image bank/Agência Brasil

The rains continue to increase the reservoirs of hydroelectric plants in Brazil. According to the bulletin from the ONS (National System Operator) Monthly Operation Program released last Friday (21), the Stored Energy (EAR) indications for the end of the month point to the possibility of reaching 93.4% in the South and 93 .2% in the North. The Southeast/Central-West should reach 83.7% and the Northeast, 78.9%.

The ENA (Affluent Natural Energy) forecast – rain that reaches reservoirs capable of generating energy – is at 88% of the historical average in the Southeast/Central-West, two percentage points above last week's forecast. For the Northeast, there is also the possibility of growth: 55% of the average, compared to 50%. The North presents stability, maintaining 76% of the historical average. The ENA forecast for the South region on July 31 is 144% of the historical average.

The scenario for the national electricity load in July points to growth of 0.9% (69,855 MWmed). The acceleration projections for the North and Northeast are, respectively, 11.6% (7,202 MWmed) and 4.9% (11,702 MWmed). The other regions show a tendency to reduce load: 1.5% (38,931 MWmed) in the Southeast/Central-West and 0.4% (12,020 MWmed) in the South. The percentages compare the estimates for the end of July 2023, compared to the same period last year.

The Marginal Operating Cost (CMO) remains at zero in all subsystems for the thirty-first consecutive week, a pattern that began at the end of December 2022. This is more than six consecutive months in this condition. According to the ONS, this is the longest period of CMO being reset to zero in a row in the historical series.

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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