Ricardo Amorim: solar energy is one of the best investments 

In an interview with Canal Solar, the country's main economists highlighted the importance of the source for the future of Brazil 
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Ricardo Amorim é um dos principais nomes do mercado
Ricardo Amorim is one of the main names in the Brazilian and international financial market. Photo: Disclosure

When it comes to economics, Ricardo Amorim is one of the main names in the Brazilian and international financial market. Graduated from USP (University of São Paulo), the economist has worked since 1992 as a strategist and investment manager.

In 2015, he was chosen by Forbes Magazine as one of the 100 most influential figures in the country and chosen by LinkedIn as the biggest influencer in Brazil. For more than 18 years, he participated in the weekly program Manhattan Connection, televised by Globo News. 

In the meantime, he also lived and worked in large financial institutions in France and the United States. In 2019, he created Mentoria Ricardo Amorim, where he provides financial and strategic consultancy for businesspeople. 

In an interview with Solar Channel, at Palácio Tangará, in São Paulo, in Huawei event, Amorim was categorical in saying that photovoltaic solar energy is one of the best investments a person can make today.  

“A year ago, I installed photovoltaic panels at home and, in addition to doing so, I also recommended it to anyone who wanted it, because, at the time, it was already an investment that paid off better than any other,” he said. 

The economist explained that the world has undergone a major transformation in recent years, with consecutive increases in energy costs, especially oil and natural gas. “In Brazil, the cleanest energies were previously the most expensive. In recent years, it has reversed and they have become the cheapest”, he highlighted. 

Amorim also recalls that, this year, Brazil recorded a large increase in the cost of electricity, due to the lack of water in the reservoirs – which increased the competitiveness of the photovoltaic source to levels never seen before. “Solar energy was already attractive before and today it is much more so”, he highlighted. 

Increases in electricity bill 

Due to the effects of the worst drought in the last 91 years and the Federal Government's decision to invest in thermoelectric plants and import energy from neighboring countries, Brazilian families had to pay more to use electricity in their homes throughout the year. In total, there were four increases in the value of the electricity bill between January and November. 

For 2022, the scenario promises to be even more complicated, with new increases in energy tariffs, as predicted by official documents from the Federal Government and the electricity sector itself. In total, the cost of the electricity bill is expected to rise by more than 20% over the next year. 

This is a rise that promises to further boost inflation and erode the income of Brazilian citizens. “If before the role (of solar energy) was important for environmental reasons, today it is also for financial reasons. This role of solar energy is only going to grow”, concluded Amorim. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. Dear,
    I think it's funny that an economist needs to come and confirm that photovoltaic generation is the best investment. To analyze the economic viability of this system, there is no need for sophisticated knowledge in financial mathematics. There are very simple methods such as paypack (simple calculation of return on investment); net present value (NPV); discounted cash flow method; internal rate of return, etc. Today the voluptuousness of innovations in this area is stupendous. The on and off systems are consolidated, with intense research into batteries, in a few years, it will also be an excellent alternative. We are, unsurprisingly, privileged in renewable energy. Solar, the most democratic source, bathes our country from north to south, from east to west. As we have already highlighted, our average KWh/m² is higher than the maximums in the European common market. Even so, we have less installed capacity than the largest countries located there. In the case of wind energy, when we are in the dry period, which runs from May to November, it is very windy in the north, northeast and south regions. Both forms of energy can function as an important primary, clean and renewable source, complementary to hydraulic sources, in which we are experiencing a crisis that makes us walk on a knife's edge. I prefer my slogan: We need to stop being a strange country.

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