São Paulo is the state that invested the most in solar in the 1st semester

Greener research also highlighted that digitalization is increasingly advancing in the PV sector
12-09-22-canal-solar-São Paulo é o estado que mais investiu em solar no 1º semestre
Greener released the top 5 states that invested the most in solar. Photo: Rafael Oliveira

According to research carried out by Greener, the state of São Paulo was what most invested in solar energy at the 1st semester this year.

Then there are Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul, which make up the top 3. In total, the top 5 states invested around R$7.6 billion in the first half of the year.

Graphic: Greener

Another point emphasized by the Strategic Study: Distributed Generation 2022 | Photovoltaic Market 1st Semester is that the entry of solar equipment accelerates in Brazil.

O amount defendant in the first six months of 2022 should move investments exceeding R$35 billion to serve distributed generation and large solar plants.

Price of PV systems reduces by 4.3% in the 1st half

Digitalization in the solar sector

Greener also highlighted that the Digitalization is advancing in the solar sector. Companies have intensified the use of digital tools with the aim of automating and optimizing their processes.

However, there is still limited application of these resources in which the vast majority of companies use tools that are not specialized in their respective functions.

Which marketing automation tool does your company use?

According to the consultancy, 87% of the top 100 companies that sold the most in the 1st half of 2022 use marketing automation tools.

Marketing automation tools are essential in building an intelligent sales funnel, which ensures greater efficiency and scalability in sales

Proposal generation automation tool

In total, Enterprises 39% use specialized tools for generating proposals. Furthermore, 90% of the top 100 companies that sold the most in the first half of the year use specialized proposal generation tools.

Customer management tool (CRM)

The survey indicated that 43% of integrators do not use CRM, although 23 tools were mentioned. Companies that started after 2021 use more CRM tools than those that have been on the market longer, being 60% and 54%, respectively.

Equipment purchasing tool

According to Greener, Integrators 89% use some tool for purchasing equipment, indicating the importance of using digital media in this process in the market.

Of the 100 companies that sold the most in the 1st half of the year, 93% use equipment purchasing platforms.

Sizing Tool

Finally, they pointed out that Integrators 33% use specialized tools to carry out sizing.

Companies that started their activities after 2021 tend to use the distributor's platform more, while those that have been operating for a longer time mostly use Excel.

In total, 92% of the 100 companies that sold the most this semester use sizing tools.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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