São Paulo will have the first floating photovoltaic plant

The plant will operate in a test phase for three months and if the performance is beneficial,

The capital of São Paulo will receive the first floating photovoltaic plant, which will be located in the Bilings reservoir. The reservoir was built in 1927 to store water for the Henry Borden Hydroelectric Plant, located in Cubatão, which supplies electricity to the entire São Paulo region.

Designed by EMAE (Empresa Metropolitana de Águas e Energia) and Sunlution Soluções em Energia, the assembly of the structure is scheduled for January 2020 and its capacity will be 100 kW, occupying an area of one thousand square meters in the reservoir. 

The plant will operate in a test phase for three months and if the performance is successful, EMAE's plan is to develop larger floating photovoltaic plants in the Bilings reservoir and Gurapiranga. 

In August this year, the Sobradinho hydroelectric plant, located in Bahia, inaugurated a similar system, with 3792 solar panel modules and eleven thousand square kilometers, being one of the largest of this type of installation in Brazil. The construction of plants in hydroelectric reservoirs is a growing global trend, as it reuses an unused area to increase the hydroelectric plant's energy generation.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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