Semae expects to save R$ 79 million in 5 years on Mercado Livre

In the first four months of the contract alone, savings reach R$ 5 million
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Semae prevê economizar R$ 79 milhões em cinco anos no Mercado Livre
The new energy purchase contract serves 17 consumer units. Image: Disclosure/Semae

A Semae, Municipal Water and Sewage Service of Piracicaba (SP), migrated to Mercado Livre in January this year and expects to save R$ 79 million in electricity costs by 2028. In the first four months of the contract alone, savings reach R$ 5 million.

O Free market it is a competitive environment in which consumers can negotiate energy prices directly with suppliers (generators and traders). This modality not only allows you to reduce your electricity bill every month, but also encourages the use of renewable energy. 

According to Semae, studies for migration to Mercado Livre began in 2022. An internal survey found that in that year R$ 43.2 million with electricity, and in 2023 this amount jumped to R$ 45.3 million, a variation of 4.6%

For 2024, the forecast is that there will be an electricity expense of R$ 28 million, which represents a savings of almost 40% in relation to the cost of energy acquired by the concessionaire last year. 

“The change in energy acquisition has already shown results in these first months of transition, an advantageous sign for the municipality. Through this model, we can use the resources saved and invest in improvements in the structure and expansions in the supply system, ensuring that the city's water consumption demand is met more efficiently, benefiting everyone in the long term”, comments the president from the municipality, Artur Costa Santos.

The new energy purchase contract on Mercado Livre, lasting 5 years, serves Semae's 17 consumer units, such as the ETA (Water Treatment Station) Capim Fino and the EEAT (Treated Water Pumping Stations), such as XV de Novembro, Dois Córregos and Boa Esperança, which represent 97% of the municipality's total electricity expenditure.

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Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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