Senate approves reduction in electricity tariffs for 5 years

The PL creates a mechanism to reduce electricity tariffs for consumers through the refund of undue charges
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Senado aprova redução na tarifa de energia elétrica por 5 anos

The Senate approved on Thursday (13) PL 1143/21 (Bill 1143/2021) which proposes the reduction of electricity tariffs for five years in Brazil.

The proposal, authored by Senator Mecias de Jesus (Republicanos-RR) and rapporteur by Senator Zequinha Marinho (PSC-PA), creates a mechanism for reducing electricity tariffs for consumers through the refund of undue charges.

According to the text, this reduction in the tariff would occur thanks to the reimbursement of taxes unduly collected by electricity distribution companies. Now the PL goes to the Chamber of Deputies for analysis.

The PL proposes that taxes unduly collected by energy distributors in the past be returned to the consumer in the form of a reduction in the tariff. This collection of resources will be possible thanks to a decision by the STF (Supreme Federal Court).

In this decision, the STF understood that the ICMS (Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services) charged to electricity distributors, and passed on to consumers, should not be part of the calculation basis for Cofins (Contribution for Social Security Financing) and PIS (Social integration program).

According to the rapporteur of the matter, Zequinha Marinho, reimbursement agreements for these amounts with the state and ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) have been discussed. “ANEEL has already announced that, as a result of this decision, around R$ 50.1 billion are at stake, considering the entire country, which could provide average discounts of around 3% on the value of invoices issued”, stated Marinho in his opinion.

Know more: ANEEL proposes return of R$ 50.1 billion in credits to consumers

“In addition, the Agency signaled that it is considering deducting such amounts from future increases in electricity tariffs, which are contractually provided for between the States and the concessionaires”, added the rapporteur.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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