Senate votes on PL that reduces electricity bills with the use of tax credits 

Bill defends the full transfer of R$ 60 million to electricity consumers
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Senado vota PL que reduz a conta de luz com o uso de créditos tributários
Senators are expected to evaluate PL 1280/22 on Thursday. Photo: Marcos Oliveira/Agência Senado

O federal Senate should vote, this Thursday (2), the bill what provides for the use of tax credits collected by distributors of electrical energy as a way of reduce the value of the electricity bill of Brazilians.

The proposal (PL 1280/22), authored by senator Fábio Garcia (UNIÃO/MT), was included in the Agenda of the plenary and defends the transfer of the full value of these credits, which total around R$ 60 million. 

The amounts to be retained by the distributors would be those related to legal actions that have become final and unappealable regarding the undue collection of ICMS (Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services) in the calculation base for contributions to PIS/PASEP and COFINS.

“This money is a tax that energy consumers overpaid for many years and that the STF (Supreme Federal Court) decided they could not pay. Therefore, this tax generated a credit that belongs to the consumer and must be used in full to reduce the electricity bill”, says Garcia.

The text also provides for ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) to carry out the full compensation of credits qualified before the Federal Revenue Service. “The allocation of resources will be made in the first tariff process subsequent to the authorization of the tax credit before the competent tax body”, highlights the parliamentarian.

Last week, the Senate Infrastructure Committee heard the energy distributors about the subject. The public hearing was a request from Senator Fábio Garcia himself and was attended by members of the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy), ANEEL and the Federal Revenue Service.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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