Servers in Rio de Janeiro will have an incentive to finance PV systems

Benefit will be granted through a discount on the market price, with payment of monthly installments
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Estado do Rio de Janeiro conta com pouco mais de 339 mil MW de potência instalada em geração distribuída solar.
The State of Rio de Janeiro has just over 339 thousand MW of installed power in solar DG. Photo: Pixabay

Alerj (Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro) approved, last Wednesday (9), a bill which encourages the purchase and financing of photovoltaic systems by public servants (active and inactive), military personnel and State pensioners.  

Authored by the licensed deputy, Max Lemos (MDB), the text was forwarded to governor Cláudio Castro (PL), who has until the end of February to sanction or veto it. 

If approved, the incentive will be granted to professionals through a discount on the market price, with payment of monthly installments through payroll consignment and within a margin of up to 40%. 

If the employee lives in an apartment complex, the incentive may be granted to the employee's condominium quota. The law also determines that married public employees may decide to divide the amount of financing in their paychecks in the desired proportion.

“This bill is an important instrument to encourage the emergence of new photovoltaic solar energy projects in the State, facilitating the generation of energy from renewable sources, creating new jobs, injecting more financial resources into the economy and expanding investments in the quality of the electrical system national”, explained Lemos.

The PL also foresees that the State of Rio de Janeiro aligns the tax burden of the service with the municipalities, taking into account the state's source promotion policy. 

Solar energy system providers should also be consulted regarding service rates and prices. In addition, private and public financial agents must also be consulted so that it is possible to find the solar energy financing models with the most benefits for everyone.

The Executive will also regulate the parameters for negotiations, with city halls, of taxes and fees related to companies and equipment suppliers to guarantee financing with the most affordable interest rates. Companies and banks interested in participating in the program can join through a sector to be defined by each power.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. Goodnight; Do you know which banks are accepting solar energy financing for public employees in RJ according to state law?

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