Public servants in MA will have incentives to use solar energy

Approved bill authorizes the Executive Branch to facilitate the acquisition and financing of photovoltaic systems
Servidores públicos de MA terão incentivos para uso da energia solar

The state of Maranhão is responsible for approximately 10% of all solar distributed generation in the Northeast, with more than 134 MW in installed power in photovoltaic solar DG (Distributed Generation), according to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

In order to encourage the use of solar sources in the state, the Legislative Assembly of Maranhão approved PL 23/21 (Bill No. 23/2021), which provides for financing and facilitated acquisition of photovoltaic solar energy systems by public servants. 

The proposal authorizes the Executive Branch to grant incentives to active and inactive public servants, military personnel and pensioners to finance and acquire a solar energy system for residential generation or in another indicated property, with the payment of monthly installments by payroll consignment.

In addition, negotiation parameters will be established with municipalities regarding taxes, tariffs and fees, with solar equipment suppliers and with public and private financial agents to guarantee financing with more affordable interest rates. 

The project is authored by deputy Rildo Amaral (Solidarity) and is based on State Law 10,762/2017, which encourages the generation and use of photovoltaic energy with the aim of taking advantage of the State’s solar potential.

“The project’s fundamental principles are economic and social sustainability, respect for the environment and the high capacity that the State has for generating photovoltaic solar energy”, highlighted Amaral.

Read too: The retail sector is the one that invested the most in solar energy in the 1st half of the year

“This combined with the purpose of encouraging active and inactive public servants, military personnel and pensioners to finance and acquire the solar energy system in a manner facilitated by the intermediation of the public administration, as payment will be made on a consigned basis”, completed. 

For Rodrigo Anselmo, Technical-Commercial Director of the integrating company VoltLux Energia Solar, the approval of the PL is important, as it encourages the use of solar energy and reduces dependence on hydraulic generation sources. 

“This bill has two major points. Firstly, it is a category of professionals that is in high demand here in Maranhão, and the other is that the investment can be made directly on the payroll, being a benefit for the client”, highlights Anselmo. 

“Such practicality helps the professional to save over the months, when purchasing his Kit and having an integrator company carry out the installation and approval with the dealership”, he added.  

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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