Simple Energy enters the solar DG market with investment of R$ 14 million

Energy trader is considering investing over R$ 80 million in projects in the states of Piauí, Ceará and São Paulo
Divinópolis Plant, in Minas Gerais. Photo: Disclosure

A Simple Energy announced an investment of R$ 14 million in four photovoltaic plants in the shared generation modality, a DG model in which consumers do not need to install photovoltaic panels or carry out any intervention in their homes. 

The first investment in the sector is being made in partnership with a fund that already has other projects of this type. 

O project adds 10 MW of installed capacity and is divided into four plants of 2.5 MW each, two in the city of Divinópolis and two in Lagoa da Prata, both in the Minas Gerais state, in the Cemig concession area. 

The projects will come into operation in April and June this year (90% of works are completed), and will have the capacity to serve up to 4 thousand homes.  

“This is another step in Simple’s mission to position itself as an important player that simplifies Brazilian consumer access to the renewable energy market,” said Gabriel Figueiredo, Legal Director at Simple Energy. 

The operations director and one of the founding partners of Simple Energy, Mauro Garcia, explains that the initiative is part of the company's corporate strategy of risk diversification and creation of sustainable value. 

“We were already in the energy consultancy, management and commercialization segments. We needed to close the cycle with the generation activity to establish ourselves as a complete company in energy solutions. We understood that the best path was to start with distributed solar generation. With this, Simple begins to operate in retail serving low voltage customers.”  

Future investments 

Simple Energy is studying other investments in the distributed solar generation market, in the states of Piauí, Ceará and São Paulo. The company is evaluating the construction of another four plants, totaling a total capex of R$ 80 million. 

The majority of the contribution will be made with its own capital, but the company does not rule out other financing structures, even admitting the possibility of attracting new minority partners to the business.  

In its strategy, Simple Energy considers this a path that will enable the expansion of its business, whether in the low voltage retail market targeting new consumers of the most varied profiles, or meeting a demand from its corporate clients who have in their strategy the challenge of zero carbon emissions in its production chain.

Simple Energy has been working with consultancy, plant and consumer management, and energy sales on the free market for 10 years. Serves more than 300 consumption and generation units. The latter total an installed power of 14 GW, which represents something around 8% of the SIN (National Interconnected System) volume. 

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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