SIN expanded by more than 5 thousand km in 2023

Increase reduced use of fossil fuels and integrated isolated regions
SIN teve ampliação de mais de 5 mil km em 2023
Image: Freepik/jcomp

The year 2023 marked the expansion of the National Interconnected System (SIN) by more than five thousand kilometers. 

In total, 5,481 km and 15,695 MVA (megavolt-ampere) of transformation capacity were added, informed the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy).

According to the Folder, between the main lines opened in this year are those that interconnect Juruti (PA) and Parintins (AM), systems that were previously isolated from the SIN. 

Throughout 2023, ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) held two auctions transmission. The first raised R$15.7 billion for the construction of more than six thousand km of transmission lines.

Meanwhile, the second of the auctions contemplated a smaller area: around 4,400 km. This raised R$ 21.7 billion, the highest value of a tender for infrastructure works ever recorded in the history of Brazil, according to the MME.

The states that will receive the facilities are: Goiás, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Tocantins. They will transfer energy from renewable sources from the Northeast to the South-Southeast.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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