Off-grid system with battery will reduce diesel use by up to 95%

Project installed on one of the islands in Baía de Todos os Santos relies on BYD batteries
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Canal Solar Sistema off-grid com bateria reduzirá uso do diesel em até 95%
The projection for energy generation is up to 55 kWh per day

Ensure access to electricity and achieve savings of up to 95% by reducing diesel consumption. These are some of the benefits of an off-grid photovoltaic installation with energy storage carried out on one of the islands in Baía de Todos os Santos.

The project, different from the traditional ones applied to residential roofs, in agribusiness or industries, was carried out by Enersol Brazil based in Lauro de Freitas (BA), using lithium batteries from the multinational BYD, market leader in storage segment.

Second Tássio Barboza, technical director of Enersol, before implementing the project, there was a total absence of electricity during the day and the use of a diesel generator at night.

“Consumption was high, 50 to 60 liters [per day], the noise, the cost, the emission of pollutants and the several boat trips necessary to supply the generator meant that the space was not used as well. by the owner”, he reports.

The off-grid system has 20 535 Wp modules from Axitec, three 10 kW inverters from Victron Energy and two BYD 13.8 kWh lithium batteries. Also according to Enersol, the project was designed to generate as much energy as possible during the day and store the surplus in batteries, to be used at night.

Projeto Enersol em Ilha da Bahia de Todos os Santos 02

The projection for energy generation is up to 55 kWh per day and the expectation of reducing diesel consumption between 80 and 95%. According to Barboza, the customer continues to rely on diesel, but only as a backup, for busy days, such as the end of year festivities.

Project challenges

This is Enersol's first project on an island. According to the company, the installation involved 10 professionals and took three weeks to complete due to the need to redo much of the site's electrical installations, in addition to challenges in transportation and communication.

Barboza highlights that BYD batteries bring a big difference to the project. “The trust is consolidated by BYD’s strong presence in Brazil and around the world. The brand offers batteries to the market with a 10-year warranty and was recommended by different trusted suppliers, in addition to Enersol Belgium, which has already had experience with BYD lithium batteries since 2016.”

Enersol has already installed more than 1,100 projects connected to the grid. Furthermore, the company offers system solutions for water pumping for pivots without a power grid, photovoltaic generators connected to the grid in the free or captive market, electric vehicle chargers, among other solutions.

To learn more about Enersol's projects, click here or access the link for more information about the BYD storage systems.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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