SMA invests 5 million Euros in laboratory to test inverters

It will be possible to measure radiated interference and interference immunity at distances of up to ten meters

SMA, a company based in Germany, is investing around 5 million Euros in a new state-of-the-art laboratory for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC – electromagnetic compatibility). The laboratory will be built in a huge 740 square meter building.

The gigantic laboratory will allow advanced measurements to be carried out on inverters of up to 5 MW. SMA is a reference in the photovoltaic industry due to the rigor with which it develops and tests its equipment.

Photovoltaic inverters are critical components for generation systems and require strict safety requirements. The new laboratory will allow the implementation of cutting-edge methods to test electromagnetic compatibility in high-power systems, ensuring that systems for photovoltaic plants meet the most demanding international requirements and regulations.

The new venture will feature an anechoic chamber (used in electromagnetic compatibility tests) that will occupy around 740 square meters of laboratory space. The facility will allow testing of devices containing electrical components weighing up to 30 tons and emitting up to 200 kW of heat.

It will be possible to measure radiated interference and interference immunity at distances of up to ten meters. The facility will be capable of testing a variety of devices, including future generations of the recently launched Sunny Central UP inverter. There are also plans to make the test facility available to external companies in areas such as e-mobility, wind energy and railways.

Electromagnetic compatibility tests will ensure that electronic components installed in inverters and other devices do not cause interference that could affect or disrupt other systems. At the same time, EMC tests will ensure that external electromagnetic waves have a harmful effect on equipment developed by SMA.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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