Sale of surplus DG is the subject of ANEEL Public Consultation

Contributions to CP031/2022 will be received by email from June 2nd to July 18th
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Canal solar Sobrecontratação involuntária e venda de excedentes de GD é tema de Consulta Pública
The deadline for ANEEL to receive contributions to the topic will be July 18th.

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) opens this Thursday (2) the Public Consultation (CP031/2022) to deal with the regulation of articles 21 and 24 of the Law 14,300/2022, which address the involuntary overcontracting and the sale of surplus of energy resulting from the distributed micro and minigeneration.

The proposal foresees the inclusion, in the ANEEL Resolution 1009/2022, the involuntary overcontracting of energy by distributors caused by consumers' option for the distributed micro and minigeneration regime, with the aim of meeting the article 21 of the law

The Agency will also debate in the Public Consultation the rules to comply with the article 24 of Law 14,300/2022 which allows distributors to purchase, through public calls, surplus energy from holders of distributed micro and mini generation.

Art. 24. The electric energy distribution concessionaire or licensee must promote public calls for accreditation of those interested in selling surplus energy generation arising from microgenerator and minigenerator projects distributed, in their concession areas, for subsequent purchase of these surplus energy. energy, in the form of Aneel regulations.

According to ANEEL's proposal, commercialization will comply with the following criteria:

  • The concessionaires will make “public calls” with the purpose of accrediting potential interested parties in selling the excess amounts of energy generation arising from distributed micro and mini generation projects;
  • ANEEL will regulate the process of purchasing surplus energy generation from these projects;
  • Consumers holding distributed micro and mini generation will not be able to participate in the SCEE (Electric Energy Compensation System), except for compensation at the point of generation.

The deadline for ANEEL to receive contributions to the topic will be July 18th. see the Technical Note No. 67/2022-SRM/ANEEL About the subject. Suggestions to CP031/2022 can be sent to the email: [email protected].

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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