Solar Castilho goes into operation to supply energy to PremiePet

Plant will supply 100% of demand from the company's factories in São Paulo and Paraná
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Castilho solar complex (270 MW), in São Paulo. Photo: Disclosure/PremieRpet/Comerc

The energy consumption of the pet food manufacturer PremiereRpet 100% will be supplied by photovoltaic solar energy starting this month. The company became the first in its segment to reach this milestone.

This will be possible with the start of operation of the largest solar plant in the state of São Paulo, located in the municipality of Castilho, through a long-term energy supply contract (PPA) with Commerce Renew, generation arm of the Comerc group.

As a result of an investment of R$ 940 million, the plant has 270 MWp of installed capacity, occupying an area of 690 hectares (equivalent to more than 600 football fields. According to the company, the plant will avoid the emission of 16 thousand tons of CO2 into the atmosphere per year, equivalent to the absorption carried out by 110 thousand trees over 30 years.

The Castilho plant will supply energy to four PremieRpet factories, located in Durado (SP) and Porto Amazonas (PR), as well as other companies.

“Brazil is one of the countries with the highest rate of greenhouse gas emissions in the world and we all have the challenge of transforming this scenario. Therefore, we are proud to announce that we only work with clean energy, generated through a renewable 100% source, with no pollutant emissions or impact on the environment,” he said. Madalena Spinazzola, director of Strategic Planning and Corporate Marketing at PremieRpet.

According to the executive, the company has been investing in powerful sustainable initiatives for many years. One of the company's first actions was to implement the use of reforested eucalyptus to generate thermal energy in its manufacturing operations.

In addition, it reuses rainwater through collection from ponds and roofs, promotes natural lighting in 75% spaces, ensures the management of all waste generated in production processes and carries out reverse logistics.

”As energy managers of more than 2 thousand economic groups, we at Commerce, we noticed a growing number of companies incorporating sustainability issues into their daily decisions, which reflect the concerns of their shareholders and customers and take into account the present and future of the business and its stakeholders”, says Aderbal Aragão, commercial director at Comerc Renew.

“PremieRpet ®’s decision to use 100% of energy produced through solar sources in its industrial units reinforces that the commitment to sustainability is present in its actions”, he concludes.

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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