Solar is the source with the highest number of incentives in the 1st semester  

Benefit numbers in the first six months were obtained exclusively by Canal Solar from the MME
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Solar é a fonte com o maior número de projetos de geração aprovados no 1º semestre
Solar energy sector leads the volume of projects. Photo: MME/Reproduction

O MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy) approved, in the first semester this year, 153 generation projects as priority for the purpose of issuing encouraged debentures It is the framing of others 221 electrical energy projects in REIDI (Special Incentive Regime for Infrastructure Development).

In both incentive categories, the photovoltaic solar source had the largest number of projects approved: 79 issuance of incentivized debentures and 144 in REIDI, which represents 51.6% and 65.1% of the total, respectively. The information was revealed exclusively to Solar Channel. 

Other energy sources also received approvals in both incentive models, with highlights being wind (48) and thermal (22) energy generation plants. 

Bernardo Marangon, director of Exact Energy and engineer with experience in energy projects, believes that the numbers demonstrate that solar will be the source of the country's future, especially with the growth of storage systems. 

“In fact, it will be the most prominent source in the future, because there is a great facility to develop and build projects of this type, due to the large amount of available areas that the country has”, he explains.

According to him, with the popularization of storage systems, solar exploration will become quite optimized. “Without storage, solar still cannot solve the world’s energy problem on its own,” he said.

“Honestly, I don’t see any other technology being able to reach this size. Wind, for example, has a limitation in relation to the difficulty of developing projects and finding more suitable locations for their implementation, while solar can be centralized or distributed. So, these numbers will continue like this, with solar being ahead of the others”, highlights the executive.

Check below the number of projects selected by energy source: 

Photo: MME/Disclosure

Incentivized debentures

Historically, banks like BNDES have always been hegemonic in the financing market for infrastructure projects. However, in 2011, the incentivized debenture model was created to offer private credit bonds so that companies could finance projects. 

Simply put, investing in an incentivized debenture is lending money for a pre-established period in exchange for remuneration. “Concessionaires have increasingly sought to use the issuance of incentivized debentures to finance their investment projects, given the good acceptance of these securities in the market”, highlights the MME. 

Currently, there are seven infrastructure sectors that can have investment projects approved as priorities. “The electric energy sector has the highest amount of emissions and volume of resources raised via incentivized infrastructure debentures, being responsible for around 59% of all debentures issued”. 

Also according to the MME, over the course of last year, 226 electricity projects were approved as priorities throughout the year, obtaining R$ 20.4 billion in investment resources. “Around 67% of the total investment approved as priority was financed through the issuance of incentivized debentures over the last ten years.” 


REIDI is a public policy that seeks to directly encourage companies that have projects to implement infrastructure works in the transport, ports, energy, basic sanitation and irrigation sectors, whose investments generally require long implementation periods.

The framing of these projects benefits society by promoting reasonable electricity tariffs and prices, contributing to the economic and social development of the country.

The MME publication presents electricity generation projects in the ACR (Regulated Contracting Environment) and the ACL (Free Contracting Environment), in addition to electric energy transmission projects arising from auctions or reinforcements and improvements authorized by ANEEL (Agency National Electricity Authority).  

In 2021, 427 electricity projects were placed under the special regime, with an average reduction in investment costs of around 8.49% as a result of the suspension of contributions to PIS/PASEP and Confins. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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