Solar was the renewable source with the highest global energy addition in 2021

IRENA data shows that PV generation capacity increased by 19% in the world, followed by wind with 13%
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Solar foi a fonte renovável com maior adição global de energia em 2021, diz IRENA
Renewable energies grew steadily in 2021 and with record expansion. Photo: IRENA/Disclosure

New data released, this Monday (11), by IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) show that clean energy continues to grow and gain momentum around the world, despite global uncertainties. 

According to the Agency, by the end of 2021, global renewable generation capacity totaled 3,064 GW, increasing the planet's renewable energy stock by 9.1%.

Although energy from hydroelectric plants still represents the majority of total renewable generation capacity, with 1,230 GW, IRENA Renewable Capacity Statistics 2022 show that solar and wind sources continued to dominate new generation capacity. 

Together, both technologies contributed 88% to the share of all new renewable capacity in 2021. Solar capacity led the way with an increase of 19%, followed by wind, which increased its expansion by 13%.

“This continued progress is another testament to the resilience of renewable energy. Its strong performance last year represents more opportunities for countries to reap the multiple socio-economic benefits of renewable energy,” said IRENA Director General Francesco La Camera.

The executive highlighted, however, that, despite the encouraging global trend, other recent studies by the entity, such as the World Energy Transitions Outlook, reveal that the energy transition “is far from being fast or broad enough to avoid the terrible consequences of climate change”, he stressed. 

“Our current energy crisis also adds to the evidence that the world can no longer rely on fossil fuels to meet its energy demands. Money directed to fossil fuel plants produces unrewarding results, both for the survival of a nation and for the planet”, reinforced La Camera.

In IRENA's understanding, renewable energies need to become the norm around the world and grow at a faster rate than energy demand so that the planet can mitigate the effects of global warming. 

However, the entity points out that many countries have not yet reached this point, despite significantly increasing the use of renewables for electricity generation.


According to IRENA, around 68% of new renewable energy capacity in 2021 was added in Asia, resulting in a total of 1.46 TW of capacity. On the continent, China was the largest contributor, adding 121 GW. 

In Europe and North America, 39 GW and 38 GW were added during the year, respectively. Renewable energy capacity also grew by 3.9% in Africa and 3.3% in Central America and the Caribbean.

“Despite representing stable growth, the pace in both regions is much slower than the global average, indicating the need for stronger international cooperation to optimize electricity markets and drive massive investment in these regions”, assessed IRENA . 

Highlights by technology

  • Hydro-electric energy: Hydropower growth increased steadily in 2021, with the commissioning of several large projects delayed until 2021;
  • Wind energy: Wind expansion continued at a lower rate in 2021 compared to 2020 (+93 GW compared to +111 GW last year);
  • Solar energy: With an increase in new capacity in all major regions of the world in recent years, total global solar capacity has now surpassed wind power capacity;
  • Bioenergy: Net capacity expansion increased in 2021 (+10.3 GW compared to +9.1 GW in 2020);
  • Geothermal energy: Geothermal capacity saw exceptional growth in 2021, with 1.6 GW added;
  • Electricity off-grid: Off-grid capacity grew by 466 MW in 2021 (+4%) to reach 11.2 GW.
Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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