Solar generates savings of R$ 8 thousand for school in Fortaleza

According to the company responsible for the project, 168 445 W modules from Risen were used
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07-01-2022-canal-solar-Solar gera economia de R$ 8 mil para escola em Fortaleza
The photovoltaic plant has an average generation of 9.5 MWh. Photo: publicity

Solar energy is increasingly being chosen by schools in Brazil to generate savings and sustainability. At the Rio Grande do Sul, for example, 15 agricultural technical schools will install photovoltaic plants.

Already in large northern river, the government signed, at the end of December, two cooperation terms with Neoenergia-Cosern to enable the installation of solar panels in all 620 schools that make up the state education network.

Fortaleza (CE) was also not left out. O Eça de Queirós Pedagogical Educational Center, located in the region, is achieving savings of R$ 8 thousand with the installation of a 75 kWp photovoltaic system.

O sistema fotovoltaico possui 168 módulos da Risen Energy. Foto: divulgação
The school's photovoltaic system has 168 modules from Risen Energy. Photo: Disclosure

Second André Lessa, partner of Suntech, the company responsible for implementing the plant, 168 445 W modules from Risen Energy and an inverter WEG of 60 kW.

The plant has been in operation at the school since July 2021 and has an average generation of 9.5 MWh. For the construction of the project, Lessa highlighted the importance of professional qualification – essential for the company to be able to deliver the expected results to the client.

“The courses Solar Channel, for example, helped us a lot. We did the power plants, in grounding It is market and regulation. They were essential for the preparation of the engineering team”, highlighted the executive.

Jundiaí will have its first solar-powered school

With an investment of R$ 12 million, EMEB Joaquim Candelário de Freitas will be the first school in Jundiaí to rely on a photovoltaic system to meet the demand for electrical energy, according to the City Hall.

The 72.36 kWp plant has 171 solar panels. In addition to being integrated into the square located next to the building, the school unit will have LED lighting, solar heating (water) and water reuse for cleaning the external area.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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