Solar for small businesses faces a lack of information, says Sebrae

Research found that only 8% of establishments where energy is vital to their operation invest in solar
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One research carried out by Sebrae (Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses) identified that the solar energy is still a technology that needs to be better explored next to Brazilian traders. 

This is because, according to the study, among enterprises where operation process is more dependent on energy consumption, such as gyms and restaurants, only 8% use photovoltaic systems as one of the solutions to reduce the electricity bill. 

In contrast, around a third of interviewed owners (33% of total) stated that only guide their employees to reduce energy use electrical, while others 27% revealed that they end doing nothing about it and leaving things as they are. 

Others 15% revealed that they seek save energy only during peak hours It is 10% they claimed exchange your equipment for more efficient technologies and that use less energy, such as refrigerators and LED lamps. 

Só 8% das pequenas empresas utilizam solar para reduzir conta de luz
Main solutions sought by micro and small companies to save energy. Photo: Sebrae.

In an interview with Solar Channel, Vera Lúcia de Oliveira, technical analyst at Sebrae, explains that the entity mapped the most energy-dependent business segments to conduct the research, which aimed to understand how micro and small entrepreneurs manage the energy management of their enterprises. 

“We were surprised by the result, since more than 60% of establishments in which energy represents a significant expense, nothing is done to change this situation or only employees are recommended to use less energy”, he commented.

According to her, many entrepreneurs are unaware of their real consumption condition and needed more information to install a solar energy system. “Many don’t even know that there is the possibility of generating their own energy or, if they do know this, they end up not knowing how to install it and giving up in the middle of the process”, he highlighted. 

Vera further explained that the study identified that the owners of these small businesses often do not even have access to their own electricity bill, because their businesses are located in rented properties in which the change of ownership has not even been made. 

“Consequently, they are unable to access the data and the nature of their contract with the distributor to understand the cost of their energy”, he explains. 

Another point that draws attention, according to her, is the lack of awareness among small entrepreneurs regarding their consumption condition. “They often cannot be aware of the state of their electrification system and there is even an ignorance of thinking that making a cat is an alternative”, he highlighted. 

Sustainable and cost-reducing economy

A reduction of 90% with expenses related to electricity. This is the savings that Espaço Nobre Pizzaria, a restaurant located in Campinas (SP), started to have with the operation of a solar energy system in March this year. 

The project – which has 660 solar panels, 211 of which are installed on the roof of the establishment and another 449 in a shed – provides the pizzeria with a generation greater than the establishment's consumption, as explained by owner Marcos Vedovatto.  

The businessman also highlights that his expectation regarding the return on investments (payback) will be completed by the end of 2025. The technology was financed by Vedovatto at low interest rates. 

“Our idea was to find a way to reduce our operational costs, because electricity, along with the water bill, is one of the items that weighs most on the pockets of all traders”. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.
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