SolaX Power will have a training center in Uberlândia (MG)

Space will offer free, in-person training to integrators from all over Brazil
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SolaX Power terá centro de treinamento em Uberlândia (MG)
Manufacturer's product portfolio. Image: SolaX Power/Disclosure

A SolaX Power announced an initiative aimed at qualifying integrators in Brazil. The company will have a specific space to offer in-person training, both in technical and market aspects, regarding energy storage. 

The activities of the training center, which will operate in Uberlândia (MG), will begin in the second half of this year. The location will serve professionals from all over the country and will have at your disposal company equipment so that professionals can learn and clarify doubts. 

"A SolaX has at its core being alongside integrators, who are essential professionals in the chain, because they make direct contact with the end customer to understand their needs and offer the best solutions. And this is what guarantees the success of solar energy – efficient and safe equipment combined with qualified professionals to present and install them”, he explained. Gilberto Camargos, executive director of SolaX Power in Brazil.

The manufacturer stated that it works on different fronts to make this professionalization happen. The company periodically promotes the SolaX Class, an event held in virtual format, and the SolaXP, face-to-face training that will run throughout Brazil until November, with the aim of qualifying integrators for this new storage scenario.

"O The market for hybrid inverters and batteries is a reality in several countries and begins to enter Brazil with enormous growth potential. Therefore, whoever is prepared will come out ahead. The sector is starting to demand this qualification so that these professionals can expand their range and become renewable energy consultants”, concluded Camargos.

About SolaX Power 

Multinational Founded in 2012 with headquarters in Hangzhou, China, and branches in several countries, including the Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, USA and Brazil. With more than 2 thousand employees around the world, the company is recognized for its activities in the areas of research and development: there are more than 100 international patents and more than 500 market certifications.

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Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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