Solfácil facilitates the installation of 637 thousand panels and plans to grow 43% in 2024

In one year, the company has already generated more than 250 MW of installed capacity with distributed photovoltaic equipment and financing
Ao todo, a companhia instalou 150 MW em equipamentos, obtendo um total de 87 GWh de geração de energia
Photo: Credit: Internet reproduction

Solfácil, a solar energy ecosystem in Latin America, announced that its distribution and financing front enabled the installation of over 637 thousand solar panels sold in one year to homes, small and medium-sized companies and rural producers.

In one year, the company added more than 250 MW of installed capacity with distributed photovoltaic equipment and financing, with an estimated energy generation of 87 GWh.

Solfácil projects that, by the end of next year, the company will help facilitate the installation of more than 900 thousand solar panels, through the company's distribution and financing, which represents an increase of 43% compared to 2023.

The result is part of the expansion of Solfácil's distribution of photovoltaic equipment to the Northeast and South regions of the country. In May this year, the company opened a CD (distribution center) in Jaboatão dos Guarapés, in Pernambuco, with an investment of 100 million, in addition to having the CD in Itajaí, in Santa Catarina, with the acquisition of Solar Inove, in February this year.

The company expects distribution growth to continue in 2024. Solfácil projects that, by the end of next year, more than 1.2 million solar panels will be installed, which represents an increase of 100% compared to 2023.

CDs reduced delivery times throughout the national territory

The opening of Solfácil CDs in the cities of Jaboatão dos Guarapés, in Pernambuco, and Itajaí, in Santa Catarina, significantly reduced the distances covered by the equipment, which contributed to reducing delivery times and increasing the availability of solar equipment Throughout the national territory. In the case of the Northeast, the average delivery time fell to 13 days.

In other regions of the country, Solfácil has the following average delivery time: In the North, the reduction was to 20 days. In the Midwest, the average delivery time is 15 days. In the Southeast, it takes up to 12 days. In the South, the average delivery time is 10 days.

“The installation of more than 600 thousand solar panels is an important milestone for Solfácil and for the solar energy market in Brazil. The expansion of our distribution was fundamental to this result, as it allowed us to offer a faster and more efficient service to our integrator partners”, concludes Guilherme Borgo, operations director and co-founder of Solfácil.

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Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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