Spin Estruturas signs partnerships and targets microgeneration market

Manufacturer signs contracts with large distributors of photovoltaic kits in the Brazilian market
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Spin Estruturas firma parcerias e mira mercado de microgeração

The manufacturer of photovoltaic structures Spin is betting on the Brazilian solar market. The company entered into a partnership with photovoltaic kit distributors Amara-e and Genyx.

According to Júlio Tavernaro, responsible for Spin's commercial area, the partnerships signed aim to meet the growing demand in the solar sector in the country. 

Currently, the company produces structures aimed at rooftop installations, targeting the microgeneration market, which currently represents around 80% of solar DG in Brazil.

“Our purpose is to contribute to product innovations and optimize the time of installers and distributors. The formatting of the kits is carried out in an optimized way, which helps the installer receive exactly what he needs without missing components”, says Tavernaro.

According to the executive, approximately 60 to 70% of the time for formatting a photovoltaic kit is dedicated to separating the structures. “With this in mind, Spin created a process that optimized this formatting time aiming for quality and agility in delivery to our partners”, says the executive.

Vitor Pedreira, Photovoltaic Project Manager at Amara-e, emphasizes that choosing the structure for formatting a photovoltaic kit is essential. “Despite having less weight in photovoltaic generators, comparing their cost with modules or inverters, for example, if photovoltaic structures are not chosen appropriately they can cause great difficulties, both in distribution and installation”, explains Vitor Pedreira, Project Manager Amara-e photovoltaics.

“Spin, in addition to having one of the best technical solutions available on the national market and guaranteeing a safe and agile installation, solved a major bottleneck for distributors with its component shipping method, drastically optimizing the operational effort in separating and forming generators. photovoltaics”, adds Pedreira.

André Hipólito, Product Director at Genyx, highlights that the partnership with Spin aims to improve the quality of its kits sold in the photovoltaic market, in addition to optimizing delivery time. “This is another successful partnership for Genyx. Spin specializes in structures, with models differentiated in technology, material and product presentation”, he states.

Also according to the executive, this Thursday (24), at 5pm, the two companies will present a webinar that will tell how the partnership was created and explain how the kits sold by Genyx are formed. 

The event will have the participation of Bruno Reis, Commercial Director at Genyx, Phillipe Boaventura, technical support at Genyx and Tavernaro. Click here to register.

In addition to the new partnerships, Spin's photovoltaic structures are already distributed by Ecori Energia Solar. “We believed in Spin's kit solution right from the beginning and the results were proven as we shipped orders with their structure”, highlights Leandro Martins, president of Ecori.

“Storage, separation, checking and dispatch are 70% faster than when the components come separately. We reduced a time-consuming internal process, which is reflected in logistical costs and service agility”, concludes Martins.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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