Brazilian startup and Swiss university will create tool to monitor plants

Initiative aims to insert Brazil into the international route of new technologies for consumers with PV systems
Startup brasileira e universidade suíça criarão ferramenta para monitorar usinas
The project consists of developing an AI platform. Photo: Reproduction

A PV Operation, Brazilian company specialized in remote operation of photovoltaic plants, announced this December a partnership with the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina and the Swiss university Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz.

The objective of the agreement is to development of an artificial intelligence system applied in monitoring of photovoltaic plants.

According to PV Operation, the proposal is to place the Brazil on the international route of new technologies for consumers who have photovoltaic systems installed on roofs, facades and small plots of land.

According to company data, the country has around 1.5 million photovoltaic connections in more than 5 thousand municipalities and in all regions. Accumulated investments in the sector have already exceeded R$ 82.9 billion in the last decade.

The project consists of developing an AI platform, based on Auto Machine Learning, for operation and preventive maintenance, capable of recognizing and differentiating situations of energy generation losses in solar panels, such as shading, equipment degradation and dirt on the modules.

The initiative arose from a task force between the company and scientific institutions at the beginning of this year, with a group made up of experts in photovoltaic energy, researchers, scientists and developers.

“Ultimately, we want to add even more value to our customers and the Brazilian market, bringing more innovation, technology and robustness”, comments Siqueira Neto, CEO of PV Operation.

With the completion of the project, data from the new platform will be implemented in the PV Operation system, which already monitors a base of around 15 thousand photovoltaic systems, totaling 1 GW, according to the startup.

Picture of Stella Miranda
Stella Miranda
Producer of Canal Responde and Solar em 60. She has experience in podcast production, preparation of journalistic articles, interviews and radio production. Student of Journalism at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas.

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