STI Norland closes 2020 with R$ 1 billion and quadruples revenue

According to the company, there are already 40 projects scheduled for delivery this year.
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The manufacturer of solar trackers and structures STI Norland announced that it quadrupled its revenue in 2020, achieving its goal of closing the year with R$ 1 billion.

“These results make us very excited and also reflect the growth of the sector. Despite being a year full of challenges, solar energy gained many investments in 2020”, said Javier Reclusa, CEO of STI Norland in Brazil.

Victor Hugo Paixão, head of Finance at STI Norland Brasil, also commented on this moment of growth that the company is going through and highlighted that they achieved revenue of more than 400% in the third quarter of last year compared to the same period in 2019. “ This was due to the significant increase in market share and choice in the commercial strategy adopted”.

Still according to Paixão, another important factor to boost the results was the possibility of better negotiation with suppliers, due to the increase in demand and nationalization of tracker parts, optimization and exchange rate protection strategies to guarantee the prices budgeted for each project.

Currently, the company has 145 projects completed or under construction throughout Brazil and already has 40 scheduled for delivery in 2021.


According to Reclusa, the lack of some essential raw materials currently, such as steel, may hinder activities somewhat in the first quarter of this year, but the situation should return to normal.

“The expectation is that everything will improve in 2021. We must have a gradual recovery of the economy and a stabilization in the values of raw materials, which are currently at very high prices, due to the problem of shortages that have been occurring in the market”.

“Furthermore, photovoltaic energy is already the cheapest technology among energy matrices and, therefore, the market has been excited to invest in solar, due to its excellent cost-benefit combined with sustainability. In Brazil, we have a segment with enormous potential and it is certain that we will continue to see exponential growth in photovoltaic sources in the coming years”, he concludes.


During his participation in the Papo Solar podcast, the CEO of STI Norland in Brazil highlighted that This year the company will have new tracker models, adapted to panels of different sizes and high power.

The executive also said that there are new features in the tracking part to optimize energy generation, through new algorithms that are being developed.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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