Voltalia subsidiary signs DG contract with Telefônica in Brazil

Helexia Brasil will build 16 photovoltaic plants to supply energy to more than 6 thousand consumption points
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29-01-2021-canal-solar-Subsidiária da Voltalia firma contrato de GD com Telefônica no Brasil

Helexia Brasil, a subsidiary of Voltalia, won the Distributed Energy Production auction for buildings and stores owned by Telefônica, the controlling company of the operator Vivo. The concession will be for 20 years.

The project, which includes 16 photovoltaic plants, will supply energy to 6,885 consumption points distributed in the states of Rondônia, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, São Paulo and Ceará.

According to Helexia Brasil, the plants will have an installed capacity of 60 MWp. The energy produced at the plants should provide savings of up to 30% on Telefônica's electricity bill.

“Currently, producing your own energy is cheaper than buying from a local distributor due to existing rates. Added to this is the fact that many companies are sensitive to environmental issues and seek to become increasingly sustainable. For these reasons, we believe that the contract with Telefônica will be the first of many in Brazil”, said Luis Pinho, general director of Helexia in Portugal and Brazil.

The works will be coordinated by the EPC (Engineering, Purchasing and Construction Management) department of Voltalia (Helexia shareholder) and are scheduled to begin later this year, with commercial operation of all photovoltaic plants scheduled for February 2022.

“The acquisition of Helexia, by the Voltalia Group, was strategic and occurred to complete our range of products and services. It is a joy to announce this contract with Telefônica. This demonstrates the strength of our force upon arriving in Brazil. I am sure it will be the gateway for many others”, highlighted Robert Klein, CEO of Voltalia Brasil.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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