Southeast reaches 500 thousand UCs and approaches 4 GW in solar DG

The modality is also present in more than 99.7% of the municipalities that make up the region
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Sudeste atinge 500 mil UCs e se aproxima dos 4 GW em GD solar
Southeast is the region that dominates the overall solar DG numbers in Brazil. Photo: Intelbras

A Southeast region from Brazil surpassed the half-million mark UCs (Consumer Units) receiving energy from the solar source It is, breaking, also approached 4 GW of installed power in photovoltaic systems in the G.D. (distributed generation). 

The numbers collected by Solar Channel, based on data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), show that – until the early morning of this Thursday (23) – the number of UCs in the region practically doubled compared to the same period last year: 272.6 thousand to the current 501.3 thousand units. 

With respect to volume in installed power, DG solar already has 3.97 GW in residential, commercial, industrial, rural properties and public sector projects in the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro. 

Furthermore, when Compared to the other regions of Brazil, the Southeast is still the location that dominates the overall numbers in solar DG, not only because it has the largest installed power and the largest records in terms of UCs, but also because it has the largest number of installed systems: 406.8 thousand of the total of around 1.05 million. 

The numbers collected show although solar DG is already present in more than 99.7% of the municipalities that make up the Brazilian southeast: 1,663 of the total of 1,668. ANEEL, however, does not disclose the names of the five cities that, for now, do not yet have photovoltaic systems installed. 

What is only known is that four of them are located in São Paulo and the other in Minas Gerais. The states of Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro have 100% of their municipalities with at least one solar energy system in the DG segment.  

Number of cities with solar DG, by state, in the region:

  • São Paulo: 641 of the total of 645 (99.3%);

  • Minas Gerais: 852 of the total of 853 (99.8%);

  • Holy Spirit: 78 of the total of 78 (100%);

  • Rio de Janeiro: 92 of the total of 92 (100%).

“The Southeast region, despite not having the best national irradiation, is the country’s biggest driver. In our region, the main industrial, commercial and financial centers are concentrated, and, consequently, the greatest generation of income and qualified employment”, explains Jussie Guimarães, executive director of ENAG Solar, a company based in Barueri (SP) and which offers solutions for the sector. 

“This means that people who live here have financial conditions or access to credit, which makes it possible to acquire PV systems. It is no surprise that the Southeast has a large number of integrating companies, which means that the idea of implementing technology in homes and companies is spread on a greater scale”, concluded Guimarães, who in addition to being the company's executive director, was a student of Canal Solar courses. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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