Type N technology expected to dominate the solar sector by 2024

Four companies account for 52% of the global module market: Jinko Solar, Trina Solar, LONGi and JA Solar
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Solarbe Global, one of the largest research and insights institutes on the photovoltaic production chain, focusing on the market of manufacturers and new technologies, announced last week which were the main photovoltaic module companies in 2023. For this year, the trend that will Wait is an expansion of N-type technology.

Recently, the Solar Channel released a ranking with the main suppliers, however the data only included information until the third quarter of 2023.

According to the new data, the largest manufacturers last year were the companies Jinko Solar, Trina Solar, LONGI and JA Solar. Together they shipped more than 270 GW, claiming a share of the global 52% market. 

The nine main brands in total exceed 400 GW in shipments, guaranteeing a market share of more than 75%. (see the full ranking here).

Jinko Solar has established itself as a leader, shipping more than 75 GW, of which more than 60% are N-type products. The company has positioned itself as the sector leader in this technology category. 

According to Solarbe, Trina Solar and JA Solar have accelerated efforts to expand the production of N-type cells, while LONGi is exploring advances in back contact (BC) cells, a technology that aims to increase the efficiency of solar panels. 

Among emerging manufacturers, TW Solar and Astronergy stand out. Both have set ambitious goals, aiming to ship more than 50 GW of modules in 2024, surpassing even Canadian Solar, which has a target of between 42 and 47 GW. “The dispute for positions 5 to 7 in 2024 promises to be competitive”, assesses the institute. 

“Companies ranked between 10th and 15th and between 17th and 23rd place were involved in fierce competition, recognizing the importance of each order in defining their market position in 2024”, he adds. 

Companies such as Seraphim, Suntech and DAH Solar have expressed plans to explore international markets in 2024. 

In the Chinese domestic market, the intermediary companies on the list have been offering low prices, actively competing for orders. Some companies in this range, starting in the third quarter of 2023, have proactively reduced production rates and shipping targets, focusing on profitable orders.

N-type technology expected to dominate the market in 2024

N-type modules saw notable growth in 2023, with at least 7 manufacturers reporting more than 50% of their sales made up of this technology. 

Reports suggest that more than 15 companies have set explicit targets for 2024, with N-type module shipments constituting more than 60% of their total.

“Despite the clear downward trend in prices and the potential risks of oversupply in the supply chain, numerous companies are committed to expanding their type N production capacities,” says Solarbe. 

Five of the top nine manufacturers aim to achieve an N-type share exceeding 70%, with three companies planning to reach 100% by 2024, reflecting confidence in the solar industry's technological trends.

Company plans for N-type modules 

  • Solargiga Energy: plans a significant upgrade and modernization of existing production lines in 2024 to meet market demands, targeting a share of N-type modules of 60%.
  • Suntech: It targets a 70% share of N-type module shipments in 2024, with 16.5 GW of cell production capacity, a significant increase.
  • Qn-SOLAR: Positioned as a pioneer of TOPCon technology, it aims to add 36 GW of N-type cell capacity in 2024, with a share of 80% in N-type module shipments.
  • DAH Solar: achieved an industry-leading average conversion efficiency of over 26.4% in TOPCon cells. It targets 100% share of N-type module sales with a combined capacity of 22.5 GW across four main bases.
  • ZNShine Solar: plans to establish a new 10 GW N-type TOPCon cell production capacity in 2024, targeting a share of 80-90% N-type.
  • Huasun Energy: the only company to achieve a 100% share of N-type modules in 2023, continues to lead in HJT technology, with an increased shipment target for 2024 and an unwavering commitment to a 100% share of N-type.
  • WINHITECH: anticipates a gradual increase in demand for high-efficiency HJT modules in 2024. It plans to expand production, achieving an N-type module share of about two-thirds of total shipments.

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Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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