Canal Solar “Roofometer”

Discover the Solar Canal Roof Meter
“Telhadômetro” do Canal Solar

What is the roof meter?

The purpose of this page is to record the roofs with photovoltaic systems that have collapsed in Brazil, during or after the installation of photovoltaic modules.

Why is it important? It is necessary to alert consumers to look for reputable companies that work with quality and responsibility. In our view, installing a photovoltaic system without any concern with prior analysis of the roof's conditions is a criminal offense. It is a crime because it can put people's property and lives at risk.

Every roof and every structure needs to be evaluated before installing the photovoltaic system. This assessment must be carried out by qualified engineering professionals. The cost of structural analysis of roofs and buildings must be part of the project budget.

Did a roof fall?

Did you hear of a roof that collapsed? Please send us photos and information to email  [email protected]

Tips for the consumer

Are you thinking about purchasing a photovoltaic solar system for your home or business? Don't worry!

The photos shown below are results of projects carried out without prior assessment of the roof's condition. A solar project is first and foremost an engineering project and all risk factors must be carefully considered by trained professionals.

Don't just compare prices. Demand quality. Low price, as in any market, is a possible indication of poor quality. Always be suspicious!

How should you negotiate with an installation company? Ask if she sized the system to your needs and demand a PVSyst report for your roof.

Ask if the company will perform an inspection and structural analysis of the roof. Ask if the company has an electrical engineer and a civil engineer.

The company does not necessarily need to have these professionals on its staff or partners, but it must be able to offer you the support of an engineering team, even if it is outsourced.

Ask if the company has already installed other systems and ask to evaluate technical reports from previous projects.

Ask! Question! Photovoltaic systems do not pose any risk as long as they are correctly sized, designed, installed and commissioned (tested).

Tips for the integrator

Do you have a company selling and installing photovoltaic systems? Offer quality to your customers and differentiate yourself from the competition. If you think this article could harm the image of the solar market, think about the damage that has already been done by negative word of mouth and traditional media. Photos and images of collapsed roofs are circulating on the internet and being published in newspapers and magazines.

O Roof meter of Solar Channel it is just a compilation of this information. In this way, we intend to facilitate access to information so that consumers and integrating companies concerned about quality can defend themselves.

During a negotiation show the Roof meter to your customers and justify why he should close the deal with you and not with that other company that sells cheaper.


We base our statistics on the dates we became aware of the facts or on information obtained from various sources. The facts and photos shown here are freely known to the public and are received from our readers through various means of communication (email, messaging applications, etc.).

We do not disclose the names of the companies involved to preserve their image, nor do we know the real causes of the accidents. The investigation of the facts must be carried out by competent authorities (CREA, Public Ministry, Judiciary, Civil Police and technical experts).

Roof meter: 





Fallen roofs in Brazil since 01/2019

#021 Location: Lagoa Grande (MG). Approximate date: March/2023. Report: we received information that the roof of a project, which has a photovoltaic system installed, collapsed in the city of Lagoa Grande, state of Minas Gerais.

#020 Location: Patrocínio Paulista (SP). Approximate date: October/2021. Report: A wind hit an industry in the municipality and damaged the photovoltaic system installed on the building's roof.


#019 Location: Sertãozinho (SP). Approximate date: October/2021. Report: Strong winds damaged a solar energy system installed in a luxury condominium.


#018 Location: Carolina (MA). Approximate date: October/2021. Report: A wind hit the Pedra Caída Tourist Complex, in Carolina (MA). The strong winds destroyed the parking lot roof, which was made up of a photovoltaic system.

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#017 Local: Naviraí (MS) Approximate date: May/2021 Report: Wopening gave way under the weight of the panels that were being installed in May 2021.



#016 Local: Cambé (PR) Approximate date: 12/09/2020 Report: The metal structure gave way for a few meters making a loud noise, no people were injured and the supermarket was quickly emptied. After analyzing the structure, employees were authorized to remove the merchandise from inside the establishment.

#015 Local: Caruaru (PE) Approximate date: 18/01/2021 Report: The back of Restaurante Boi & Brasa collapsed while workers were installing solar panels on the first floor, when they heard a noise and left the space. Civil Defense was on site and an engineer will assess the condition of the damaged building.

#014 Local: Campo Grande, MS Approximate date: 03/12/2020 Report: Gas station, in front of Hospital Unimed on Av. Mato Grosso, Campo Grande

#013 Local: Cabo Frio-RJ Date: 02/11/2020 Report: Came from WhatsApp via Alcides: Cabo Frio, RJ. I don't have more details but it seems that the enlightened person who made it is the type who doesn't learn from his own mistakes.

#012 Local: Piraju-SP Date: 20/02/2020 Report: We received images of the incident without much detail. The installation was located in the parking lot of Supermercado Cidão, in the city of Piraju-SP. It appears that the structure could not support the weight of the solar modules, which caused the trusses and purlins to twist, causing the modules to detach.

#011 Local: Mendes Pimentel-MG Date: 13/02/2020 Report: The incident took place during the afternoon of February 13, 2020, in the city of Mendes Pimentel in Minas Gerais. According to the local press, part of the roof of a supermarket gave way due to the overweight of the photovoltaic modules that had been installed. The roof structure could not support the installed mechanical load. The owner informed that a crane will remove the structure and install a new one. No one was injured in the accident.

#010 Local: Várzea Grande-MT Date: 13/10/2019 Report: It happened on a Sunday with rain and winds in Várzea Grande-MT, a municipality close to Cuiabá. According to a local press report, the roof belongs (that is, belonged) to a car dealership (report link). Information that reached our newsroom indicates that the roof was built especially for the installation of the photovoltaic system. The photos we received indicate that this may be true, as it is possible to see the initial phase of the roof construction with the presence of the pallets of photovoltaic modules on site. Projects of this type must be carried out by engineers specializing in structures. Clearly this is another case of a poorly sized structure, unable to withstand the overload of the photovoltaic modules and which is easily knocked down in the presence of rain or wind, even in weather conditions that can be considered normal. In one of Canal Solar's WhatsApp groups, this regrettable anonymous report arrived: “I participated in the negotiation of the installation of this project, but I was blocked when I asked for reinforcement of the structure from the responsible engineer and a report… they found a “cheaper” company both to build the structure and to take care of the solar project.”

#009 Local: Canarana-MT Date: 09/23/2019 (approximate) Report: We received the photo and report from a reader of Solar Channel who preferred to remain anonymous. There were strong winds in the region and the “adapted” structure fell to the ground.

#008 Local: Campo Verde-MT Date: 09/18/2019 (approximate) Report: We received reports of this incident in several Whatsapp groups, with several photos accompanied by two audios. Although it is not possible to verify the existence of photovoltaic panels in the photos, the reports received via audio indicate that the incident occurred after the installation of a photovoltaic system. Based on photo analysis, we believe that the incident occurred in the city of Campo Verde-MT.

#007 Location: Teresina-PI Date: 07/2019 (approximate) Report: We received reports that the incident took place in Teresina-PI. We have no more information.

#006 Location: Rio Verde – GO Date: 03/02/2019 Report: Rain with strong winds. The entire roof was unroofed due to the presence of a structure to guide the modules towards the North. Contribution from reader Raphael Davi.

#005 Local: unknown Approximate date: 15/06/2019

#004 Local: Caxias do Sul – RS Approximate date: 20/05/2019 Report: Supermarket director Jaime Andreazza was injured in the collapse. More information in the report: Contribution: Vinicius Ayrão

#003 Local: unknown Approximate date: 21/05/2019

#002 Local: Foz do Iguaçu – PR Approximate date: 10/01/2019 Report: See report:

#001 Local: Campina Grande – PB Approximate date: unknown

Become a Canal Solar partner. Contact us: [email protected]

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Solar Channel Engineering Team
Solar Channel Engineering Team

2 Responses

  1. I believe it's not just that. Lacks load sizing and aerodynamic angle of attack. I see that “it’s not just about installing”, we need to have more qualified professionals. The market is focused on sales... with the increase in demand, claims will become more frequent.

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