Earthquake affects wafer production in China

LONGi and Zhonghuan Semiconductor factories, located in Yunnan and Qinghai provinces, are damaged
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25-05-21-canal-solar-Terremoto afeta produção de wafer na China

Two earthquakes – of magnitudes 6.4 and 7.4 – that occurred last weekend in the provinces of Yunnan and Qinghai, in China, affected wafer production at the LONGi and Zhonghuan Semiconductor factories.

LONGi, for example, reported that it lost 10% of its expected manufacturing this month – around 120 million parts. 

Zhonghuan Semiconductor reported a drop of 130 MW in May. Both companies expect production to fully resume in a week or so.

Wafer price rises

LONGi announced a new price increase of around 9% for its wafers, in all categories – a situation that occurs less than two weeks before the last increase. 

Following this trend, Tongwei also reported an increase between 8 and 9% – recorded last Friday (21). 

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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