TIM surpasses the mark of 100 renewable energy plants in operation

Around 80% of the plants come from solar energy, while the rest come from water and biogas sources
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TIM supera marca de 100 usinas de energia renovável em operação
Photo: Disclosure/TIM

The telephone company TIM started operation of its 101st renewable energy plant in Brazil. Located in Brasília (DF), the new plant expands the project G.D. (distributed generation) from the operator, which promotes the supply of the network with the use of clean source plants leased from partners. 

With the new plant, the company reaches production that represents 54% of the company's total consumption. All this self-generation is complemented with acquisition in Free market and the purchase of renewable energy certificates to maintain the level of 100% of clean energy in total consumption. 

The company's idea is to depend less and less on this 'complementation', focusing on expanding the number of plants. Currently, the TIM maintains plants in operation in 22 states and the Federal District, generating 31.7 GWh per month, enough to supply 17,500 antennas. 

A operator has prioritized solar energy, which represents approximately 80% of the total installed plants. The other projects are hydro and biogas plants.

In total, there are more than 20 partners involved, including Faro Energy, which operates more than 40 plants with TIM, including the recently launched one in Brasília, with production of 1,308 MWh per year.

O TIM project, in addition to generating clean and renewable energy, also encourages the creation of jobs, facing for the construction and maintenance of plants.

According to estimates from the ABSOLATE (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy), for each MW of solar energy installed, a labor demand of 30 new jobs is created.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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