ANEEL Subsidy Collection investigates data on energy losses

Proposal suggests that non-technical losses be calculated by the measured low voltage market
2 minute(s) of reading
04-01-23-canal-solar-Tomada de Subsídios da ANEEL apura dados sobre perdas de energia
ANEEL intends to standardize the sending of loss data by distribution concessionaires. Photo: Freepik

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) will receive, until February 3rd, contributions in Subsidy Taking (TS028/2022). The objective is to improve energy balance data to calculation of energy losses and consequent approval of non-technical losses on the measured low voltage market.

The Agency intends standardize the sending of loss data by distribution concessionaires, in addition to eliminating distortions observed with the recent growth of the mini and microgeneration market distributed between the billed and measured low voltage market, reflecting in measured and billed losses.

“Consideration of the G.D. in the balance results in energy consumed greater than the energy billed, since the distributors have reduced the energy compensated by the energy generated and injected into the grid, which means that the measured market is larger than the billed one”, said the area ANEEL technique.

“This situation reversed the previous logic of adjusting the balance between measured and invoiced quantities, resulting solely from the effect of the cost due to availability (minimum consumption), of invoiced losses lower than the measured losses”, they explained.

Still according to the technical area, the approval of non-technical losses on the measured low voltage market, with consequent incorporation of the measured market into the tariff process spreadsheet, would present advantages such as greater precision in the sending of this information by the distributors.

Those interested in participating must fill out a form at the Subsidies Collection, in accordance with the instructions available on the website. link.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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