Transmission grows by more than 6 thousand km in 2020, points out ANEEL

According to the agency, the total corresponds to one and a half round trips from Oiapoque (AP) to Chuí (RS)
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02-02-2021-canal-solar-Transmissão cresce mais de 6 mil km em 2020, aponta ANEEL

ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) announced that Brazil ended 2020 with 6,159.34 km of new transmission lines, with increases in 15 states.

According to the agency, this total corresponds to one and a half trips from Oiapoque (AP) to Chuí (RS), in a straight line.

Also according to ANEEL, last year the addition of 14,485.33 MVA was recorded in substation transformers to the SIN (National Interconnected System), installed in 17 states. 

According to the agency's survey, those with the highest completed mileage of transmission lines in 2020 were: 

  • Bahia (1428.5 km);
  • Pará (1,011 km) and; 
  • Minas Gerais (842.5 km). 

In terms of accumulated active power in the year, São Paulo (3,607 MVA), Pará (2,350 MVA) and Minas Gerais (2,075 MVA) are ahead. 

And among the largest lines that were completed in 2020 are the first circuit of the 500 kV Itatiba / Bateias (SP/PR) line, with 414 km, connecting Itatiba (SP) and Campo Largo (PR) and; the first circuit of the 500 kV Poções III – Padre Paraíso 2 line, with 323 km, from Poções (BA) to Padre Paraíso (MG). 

December data

In December alone, ANEEL was informed of the completion of 863.3 km of lines and 1,450 MVA in transformation capacity. 

The longest transmission line completed in the month was the second circuit of the 500 kV Igaporã III – Janaúba 3 line, between the municipalities of Caetité (BA) and Janaúba (MG), with 257 km. 

In total, the country had, on December 31, 2020, 160,859.05 km of transmission lines and 387,370.73 MVA of transformation capacity.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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