TRT of Paraíba installs four solar power plants

The plants will generate monthly savings of R$ 24 thousand on the agency's energy bill

The TRT-PB (Regional Labor Court of Paraíba) ended 2020 with the installation of four photovoltaic plants. The plants, built in the cities of João Pessoa, Santa Rita, Patos and Sousa, will generate monthly savings of approximately R$ 24 thousand on the agency's energy bill.

The largest plant is installed in the Santa Rita Labor Forum building, with 286 solar panels. Next are the João Pessoa General Coordination building, with 166 modules, the Patos Labor Court, with 72 and Sousa with 68 panels.

The energy generated by the plants will be used by the TRT and other buildings indicated by the court. 

According to Wonley de Macedo Cordeiro, president of TRT-PB, the objective of the installed plants is to contribute to the environment and reduce electricity costs through a renewable, unlimited, clean and sustainable source. 

“It is important to highlight that this implementation of solar energy not only generates savings on our resources, which is important, but also places the court within this important, immeasurable path of environmental sustainability”, says Cordeiro.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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