SOLergo tutorial: PV projects for remote self-consumption

Find out how remote self-consumption can be an alternative to solar energy generation
Tutorial SOLergo: projetos FV de autoconsumo remoto

From its latest updates, it is possible to model projects in SOLergo which fit into the mode of remote self-consumption, shared generation and enterprises with multiple consumer units (condominium or EMUC).

The remote self-consumption modality is one where a photovoltaic system is built in which the excess credit is consumed in another location, as long as the ownership of the consumer unit with the generator and the consumer unit where the credits are used is the same.

GC (shared generation) is one in which a generator exports its energy credit to a group of individuals or legal entities, without the ownership of the generating unit necessarily being the same. Each unit receives credits according to its shares in the plant.

The type of condominium generation is one in which the generator is owned by a condominium and the credits are directed to members of the condominium, given the reservations contained in regulations REN 482 and 687 (Normative Resolutions 482/2012 It is 687/2015).


1st Step

On the program's home screen, fill in the basic project information and select the desired generation method.

In this example we will have a farm that will export energy to a store and a residence, all with the same CNPJ in the consumer unit's registration, therefore in the remote self-consumption mode.

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2nd Step

In the “Consumption” section, subsection “Consumer Unit”, you can add the consumer units that will receive the excess energy from the unit with a generator.

It is important to inform the tariff at which the units that export and receive the credits are. Resolutions 482 and 687 allow credit to be generated and consumed between consumers in groups A and B and at different rates.

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3rd Step

To add the consumption profile of each consumer unit, click on the three dots on the corresponding line in the annual consumption column. Complete the monthly consumption of each generating unit as shown in the figure below.

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SOLergo can indicate the percentage of credit that must be exported to each consumer unit. To do this, simply select the option “Calculate allocated credit”.

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Ready. The software will consider the number of credits needed to suggest a system power in the “Components” section. It is also now possible to check the financial simulations in each registered consumer unit or in the entire system.

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Picture of Mateus Vinturini
Matthew Vinturini
Specialist in photovoltaic systems and electrical engineer graduated from UNICAMP (State University of Campinas). Science and technology enthusiast, with experience in the field of solar energy, both commercially and in the design, dimensioning and installation of photovoltaic systems. 

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