Unicamp installs solar energy plants on the Limeira (SP) campus

Photovoltaic panels will guarantee savings of R$ 60 thousand per month for universities from now on
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Unicamp instala três usinas fotovoltaicas e terá economia R$ 60 mil por mês
Plants will supply the faculties of Applied Sciences and Technology, in addition to Cotil. Photo: Disclosure

A Unicamp (Campinas State University) installed, this Wednesday (31), three solar power plants at the Limeira (SP) campus with the aim of contributing to the preservation and decarbonization of the environment.

In total, they were 978 photovoltaic modules installed – enough to guarantee a reduction of 33% in energy consumption and a saving about R$ 60 thousand per month on the educational institution's electricity bill.

According to Unicamp, all generated energy by the plants will supply to the colleges in Applied Sciences it's from Technology, in addition to the Cotil (Colégio Técnico de Limeira), which brings together more than three thousand people, including students and teachers.

“The project will allow our entire community of teachers, students and employees to have closer contact with these technologies and hold discussions about sustainability”, said the coordinator of Unicamp's Sustainable Campus, Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva.

The installation carried out is part of a Unicamp's partnership with Neoenergia Elektro, a distributor that serves around 2.9 million customers in the state of São Paulo and part of Mato Grosso do Sul.

​According to the concessionaire, the partnership with Unicamp is part of the commitment from the distributor with SDG (Sustainable Development Goals​) – a set of 17 themes and 169 goals established by the UN (United Nations) for a more sustainable world.

The installation of photovoltaic panels is linked to SDG 7, which aims to contribute to more accessible and clean energy for everyone. The entire installation and commissioning process and stages of the plants were completed in May this year.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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