Federal University of Amapá invests in photovoltaic energy

In total, 1,584 BYD panels will be installed in front of the Department of Exact and Technological Sciences building
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More and more public institutions are investing in energy efficiency projects. UNIFAP (Federal University of Amapá), through the Solar Energy Institutional Implementation Program Commission, will install 1.39 MWp through photovoltaic plants.

The estimate is that UNIFAP will produce, autonomously, 167,328 kWh per month, representing an estimated reduction of 29% in the campus's electricity bill.

The plants will be connected to the CEA (Companhia Eletricidade do Amapá) medium voltage network, through the on-grid system that distributes the excess produced to the state electricity grid. 

In total, 1,584 BYD panels will be installed in front of the DCET (Department of Exact and Technological Sciences) building and around 2,500 modules on the roofs of UNIFAP buildings.

Universidade_Federal_do_Amapá_painéis.jpgUNIFAP received, this month, the first shipment of photovoltaic panels from BYD

According to Júlio César Sá de Oliveira, rector of the university, the initiative aims to implement environmental sustainability programs, as well as promote actions for the institutional community through the reduction and reuse of resources and energy.

The installation of photovoltaic panels is scheduled for the last quarter of 2020.


Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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