Social solar energy plant opens in a community in the interior of São Paulo

All energy generated will be distributed to residents in the form of credit on their electricity bill until 2026
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Usina de energia solar social é inaugurada em comunidade do interior paulista
EDP executives and other entities involved during the plant's inauguration event. Photo: Disclosure

About 200 families who live in Favela dos Sonhos, in Ferraz de Vasconcelos (SP) will be benefited with the installation of a social solar power plant. 

Located in Roseira (SP), the plant was inaugurated by EDP Institute, in partnership with Generating Falcons, counting on a installed capacity of 75 kW.

All generated energy will be distributed to residents in the form of credit on the electricity bill until 2026, helping to reduce energy costs. 

Each customer will have, on average, one 50 kWh/month discount on invoice, what equates to around R$ 35 per month.

According to the distributor, the discount is cumulative and it can become even greater when added to other benefits, such as the TSEE (Social Electricity Tariff). For example, a family with a monthly consumption of 100 kWh/month would pay around R$ 71 reais on the electricity bill. 

With the social solar plant, you now pay R$ 37 and, if you also have the Social Tariff, the bill can be reduced and reach R$ 22.

“We believe that projects like this, along with others we are carrying out in Favela dos Sonhos, contribute to the development of communities”, says Dominic Schmal, director of the EDP Institute.

Besides the EDP and from Generating Falcons, were part of the implementation of the social solar plant LO Baptista office, contributing to providing legal support for the drafting of contracts and terms, and the Ultragaz, managing the adhesion process for registered residents.

After 36 months, and over another 17 years, the same plant will benefit other communities in situations of social vulnerability who participate in the Comunidade In Program and who are connected to the distribution network in the EDP concession area in São Paulo. 

Comunidade In is a social program developed by EDP that aims at integrated development and progressive improvement in people's quality of life through actions that meet local needs.

Social project

A social solar plant is just one of the initiatives that EDP and Gerando Falcões are carrying out in the region. To make the installation of the plant possible, EDP had already regularized the electrical installations throughout the community.

Inside the residences, a facilities improvement and energy efficiency project, also in partnership with the global NGO Habitat. To date, 25 homes have been included. Soon, 30 new homes will be selected for the benefit.

To the streets and alleys of Favela dos Sonhos also received sustainable public lighting. To this end, the EDP Institute, in partnership with the social organization Litro de Luz and support from Gerando Falcões, installed 30 solar energy posts in the community, with the aim of improving the lives of people who had difficulty moving around the favela at night. because of the darkness in the place.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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