Solar plant guarantees operation of 31 pharmacies in the interior of São Paulo

Photovoltaic plant was inaugurated in August this year and included investments of R$ 9.3 million 

The electrical energy generated from a solar plant, opened at the beginning of last month, in the municipality of Andradina (SP), approximately 670 km from São Paulo, is being used to supply 31 pharmacies of the Droga Raia chain, located within the Elektro's concession area.

The project, developed by Solarian Energy, expects to produce 5,250 MWh of clean energy and avoid the emission of 389 tons of carbon per year into the atmosphere, the equivalent of planting 17,600 trees.

In total, the newly opened solar plant in the interior of the State occupies an area of 70,000 m2 and required investments of R$ 9.3 million, theft of a partnership with an international investment fund. The project consists of 6,048 bifacial modules from Risen; 12 inverters Huawei 160 kW and 54 trackers from STi Norland Solar. 

Read too: Interior boosts solar energy in São Paulo.

According to Edgard Franco, CEO of Solarian, the entry into operation of the project will be capable of increasing the company's energy generation capacity by up to 21%. “We follow our purpose of working for a more sustainable planet and greater efficiency and cost reduction for our customers. The Andradina region also benefits from an infrastructure reinforcement that will make the electricity grid more stable and safe”, he explained.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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